My sad New Years Wii realted tale . . .

Gamestop sucks... I called around desperately, and if Wal-Mart has one, then go for it.
SensesFail said:
deffinately not worth it man. lol

I'm probably the only person here that wants a 1-UP mushroom as my tombstone then, with my ashes put in my Gamecube after it was gutted, my PS1 burned, my Wii buried beside me, my GBA with my Chuck Norris strength gamer's thumb cased inside...
...all the nice stuff.

I'll still be gaming in my hospital bed.
To the grave and beyond!!
AceAlabama said:
I'm probably the only person here that wants a 1-UP mushroom as my tombstone then, with my ashes put in my Gamecube after it was gutted, my PS1 burned, my Wii buried beside me, my GBA with my Chuck Norris strength gamer's thumb cased inside...
...all the nice stuff.

I'll still be gaming in my hospital bed.
To the grave and beyond!!

...You don't have a Gamecube.
That really sucks... I hope your you get some sunshine on your dark dreadful days. Look forward to getting a Wii for the year of 2008.:)
im sorry to hear that, i got mine last year, my mom was waiting in line at Wal*Mart for 13 hours, then got out of line, and went to the NEX XD

they had 20, and she was the 3rd in line, my friends mom came to my house at 5 AM to tell me this XD

turns out that a little while back, the Best Buy employees (my mom being one of them) were told to answer the phones and introduce themselves, then say "we have no Nintendo Wii's" XD

it was fricken hilarious, of course this was recently after thanksgiving on black friday >.>
Smileface said:
I have been saving up my money for years now, doing hard work and labor, and getting multiple jobs. Yesterday, I achieved my goal of 300 dollars to buy a wii. I went to Gamestop at 8:30, waited in the cold for 1 hour and a half until the store opened, to reserve a Nintendo wii. After it opened, I went inside, with my hopes up, and asked the cashier, "Can I reserve a wii?"
These were his dark words . . . "Oh, sorry. We aren't doing that anymore. You were a bit late. We stopped yesterday night." Yesterday was the day I went to get a wii at gamestop, and on the way I was hit by a car and sprained my wrist and ankle. All for nothing . . .
I then asked, "Around when will you have some in stock?"
More dark words. He said, "We'll have them again around . . . " Not tomorrow, or next week, it was, "FEBRUARY." I have to wait for a wii until FEBRUARY.
I dont have money to buy online, and I also have a sprained wrist and ankle, with a sore back, all for nothing . . .
I am only typing with one hand, making it take a long time . . .

Please don't say
Sucks for you!
Or say,
Get over it.
I just wanted to say what the wii is capable of doing . . .
Thanks for reading my New Years Eve tale . . .

sad story. But hard work and labor only earned you 300$$ And than finaly. Dont think you did the toughest job out there :p
Wow talk about dedication.

I didn't even go anywhere to get mine. My friend (whos a Circuit City employee) told me about a new shipment in August. I told my brother to go there and get it if they had any. There was a line but he got there 15 minutes before it opened and still got me one. Then again that was in August and trying to get a Wii now (with the holidays just went by) is almost impossible.

My suggesstion is that you wait and look at sunday ads at bigger stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, or Walmart. If they advertise it I say theres a 75% chance they'll probably have it. You also have a bigger chance because Gamestop doesn't even get big shipments trust me I know, I work there and I had to tell customers over 1000 times we had no Wiis through the holidays.

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