Tiger Woods 08


WiiChat Member
Dec 8, 2007
So I want to see if there are any Wii TW08 or 07 players who played TW03 or newer on the PS2. How would you compare it to Wii TW08? I want to get 08 but I keep reading mixed reviews on it. I'm guessing alot of the negative feedback is probably from gamers who really aren't into the golf thing. I don't golf, but have always been a fan of T-Dub on the PS2, and really liked 07 on the 360 although I only got a chance to play it a couple of times on there.

Also, can you play in classic control configuration? Like where you swing with the analog stick instead of swinging the wiimote?
well i got 07..u can use the wii mote or use the numchuk like u did on the ps2 version (the stick)

not played 08 so cant tell u about it
I have '08 and play ever now and then. As stated, you can still use the nunchuck for the classic style but I haven't tried that yet. I have an incredibly hard time controlling distance with my swing, however, which is the main drawback for me. Oh and there is no online play.
My father, who is an avid golfer, absolutely loved it when I brought it over on Thanksgiving. He actually put up a real good match against me on his first time playing.
i used to have 07, it was the first golf game i had ever played with the exception of wii sports. the motion controls could have been better (sure they are in 08) but once you mastered them and learned to get around the little technical glitches it was a fun game to play. deffinately a learning curve.
I own TW07 on Wii and I love it. I have decided not to buy 08 (after experimentation) and the way I see it, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Perhaps I'll get the next installment but for now I am getting my fix. If I want the old way of things I always got 04 on GCN. If you are hesitant on 08 get 07 on ebay or a games store. Just my recommendation, do what u will.
TW08 is definitely worth picking up. Compared to the older PS2 TW games, the graphics are a notch ahead. The gameplay (using the wiimote) make things different than any other golf game. I heard bad things about the 07 version, but I went ahead and bought the 08 version anyway. I was very pleased with the final product. I still have a goofy swing every once in awhile, but for the most part, things are about perfect.
I have '08, and yeah it's definitely worth it in my opinion, I'm a real-world golfer, and I found it to be fairly realistic......plenty of courses/things to do, so replay value is good on it, pick it up if you can! :)
I got TW07 and thought it wasn't great. As a beginner, you are just bound to be crap on the game no matter how accurate your swing. I actually found I was better playing left handed on it!!

TW03 on the PS was the best one in my opinion.

good luck!
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Well I went out and bought it and I must say I"m glad I did. Its different than what I am used to (PS2) and yeah it doesn't have the all the features and stuff like 360, but I am quite pleased with the game play. There seems to be a ton of solo gameplay, and still can battle it out with friends at the house.

Maybe one of these years EA can figure out how to tie the Wii, PS3 and 360 all together for online play. Now that would make these EA Sports franchises a million times better!

Thanks everyone for the feedback. I've already logged about 12 hours over the weekend on TW08 and I didnt get home with it until 3PM Saturday.

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