My NEW Gaming Ideas


WMFL Commisioner
Jan 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
Ok, So as we all know, For the Wii to end up winning this console war, it will need some new and unique games. Here are some of my ideas, feel free to share opinon and critisize (SP?)

1st Idea: A brand new FPS. Concept of a Halo-type game but with a entirely different storyline, characters, maps, guns. Would need to have mastered controls using the Wii Remote. It would also NEED to have an amazing online. This game could be better than Halo if Nintendo can think of a way to make the Wii Remote controls work brilliantly.

2nd Idea: This one has never been done (I think). A TPing game. Where your main object is to run around and Toilet Paper peoples houses. There would be a stealth type thing (Ex: Splinter Cell) A creative way and sort of skill involved way of throwing the Toilet Paper, (it can get tough in real life with high trees) Obviously this game wouldn't be a Console saving game. But it would be a neat and original game to play with your friends

3rd Idea: This game has also never been done before(to my knowledge) It would be a GTA type game where you can free roam the city, EXCEPT instead of being a criminal, you would be a Rescue team member. There would be side missions and things you could do but the main goal is when you get called for an emergency, you have to race against time to get there and save the victims. There could also be other settings - Saving people stuck in Blizzards, Finding lost Hikers, and other things. This would be fun and a New type of game

4th Idea: Mario Olympics - Well, they have already made almost every sport imaginable, why not make a Mario game with all sorts of games. Instead of different Countries they could just have Olympics Teams: Mario Team - Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Toad. Wario/DK team - Wario, Waluigi, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Bowser Team - Bowser, Baby Bowser, Koopa, Boo, Goomba Yoshi Team - Yoshi, Shy Guy, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Birdo

Last Idea: Goldeneye for DS! they made Diddy Kong Racing (by Rare) Now please give me Goldeneye online!!!!!
Good Ideas I posted the first one at one point 4th and 5th No 2nd should be part of a game I dreamed up at one point in which you live in a town and can do what you want and make all choices sort of like a modern-day oblivion 3rd would take a lot of work to make it fun
I definitely like the 1st and 3rd. Nintendo needs to assemble a huge team of game developers and map out the game based on your 1st concept. It would be amazing but Nintendo would have to actually devote major time and resources to making it look perfect, have the best game play, and a nice storyline. Not to mention Online Multiplayer against anyone. Mario Olympics is kinda pushing it.
Same thoughts but over all pretty solid ideas
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First Idea:Controls for the Halo-type game.

Camera: Nunchuk Analg Stick
Movement: D-Pad
Moving Crosshairs: Wiimote
Shoot: B
Jump: A
Zoom In: 1
Zoom Out: 2
Pick Up Weapon: C
Change Weapon: Z
Melee: Move Nunchuk

I think I got all the bases covered. The reason FPSs fail on the Wii is because they think they have to use the motion-sensor to move the camera. No one has hands that steady! Post if you think there could be any other actions.

Second Idea: That sounds O.K.... Would have to be pretty cheap, or and unbelievably long story mode for me to buy.

Third Idea: I would buy that game!

Fourth Idea: I'd slightly mod the teams... Perhaps teams with leaders of Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, DK, and Bowser. Or, pick 3 guys you want for sure, and the computer will pick another 4 for you.

Fifth Idea: I don't really care about, I'm selling my DS.
errrmmm would baby mario and baby luigi be any good at the Olympics???
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ThatGuy127 said:
First Idea:Controls for the Halo-type game.

Camera: Nunchuk Analg Stick
Movement: D-Pad
Moving Crosshairs: Wiimote
Shoot: B
Jump: A
Zoom In: 1
Zoom Out: 2
Pick Up Weapon: C
Change Weapon: Z
Melee: Move Nunchuk

I think I got all the bases covered. The reason FPSs fail on the Wii is because they think they have to use the motion-sensor to move the camera. No one has hands that steady! Post if you think there could be any other actions.

Those are really good ideas for controls, what do you think they should do to throw grenades? wave the Wii Remote and depending how hard you wave it, thats how far the grenade goes. But you would need to press a button first, otherwise there would be a lot of accidentle grenade throws
I didn't think about grenades...How bout this:

Camera: Nunchuk Analg Stick
Movement: D-Pad
Moving Crosshairs: Wiimote
Shoot: B
Melee: Move Nunchuk
Zoom In: C+Move Wiimote Foward
Zoom Out: C+Move Wiimore Back (just press C, move it forward/back, then you can let go of C and move the wiimote back to it's position)
Jump: C+Move Wiimote Up
Crouch: C+Move Wiimote Down
Change Weapons: Z+Move Wiimote Left/Right
Change Grenades: Z+Move Wiimote Up/Down
Throw Grenade: A+"Throw" Wiimote (Make the action of throwing something, don't actually throw it!)
Pick Up Weapon: -
Pause: +
Lock Crosshairs (For steady aim): C+Z

Now I think I have everything covered...
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Except for dual wielding lol, those would be sweet controls. I'm trying to think up and create what the main characters would be like......
No ideas we come up with will hit the Wii so don't make controls
they should def make a new james bond for the wii. they probably will since casino royale has just been made.
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WiiZero said:
No ideas we come up with will hit the Wii so don't make controls

We are just stating our IDEAS ,so if you don't want to then don't post. We are just saying what controls we think would be cool.
No one ever said that now I think coming up with ideas is a great idea but controls is a little weird

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