My Mom...

vagrant said:
I'm really glad I clicked on this thread. I care so much about your mom buying you a wii online.

Thanks for sharing.
sarcasm wrong thread for sarcasm and your mom is wkd
I too, don't know what pro-choice means in the way he used it D:

But my mom recently redeemed herself awesome.

I only have about 220 bucks, so I never thought about getting the Wii yet.

But then I told my mom about my friend going to wait for one at 4 AM. She was like, "You want one too?" I was like, "But I don't got enough."
She said, "I can give you what you need."

So yeah, +20 cool points for my dear mother <3

Gamestop, see you in... 8 and a half hours!
My mom spoiled me for 18 years of my life, so now I feel guilty naturally.

And Pro-Life = Against abortion
Pro-Choice = Think that it should be up to a women to have an abortion, and that the goverment shouldn't be allowed to tell you if you can or cannot have one.

But it was a joke so let's not turn this into political debating.
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vagrant said:
I'm really glad I clicked on this thread. I care so much about your mom buying you a wii online.

Thanks for sharing.

You're a douchebag.

vagrant said:
Kids like you make me Pro-Choice.
Again, TOTAL douchebag.

Anyways - yeah, I think she did it because I've been working really hard in school and got really good grades and I am still continuing to get them. But actually tomorrow I have to do chores. :D I'm not complaining. :aureola:
500 dollars is way too much for the Wii, you might as well have baught the PS3. But, my mother probably would have done the same thing if needed, just be glad you're getting it. =P
Dude, can we Swap moms?:( , my mom almost kill me when I said that i found a wii bundle on sale online for 500, now shes makin me work for that money... Well in fact, I've alraedy have that money... but I dont have a credit card.:sad:
On the 11/19 I got mines and the max it costed was $419.36.

But your mom is nice for you.

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