My gamestop is getting Wii Tomarrow and....


wait in the car at like 3 and when you see the first person line up then get in line but if wiis in your area are rare scope it out now then check back later[MEDIA][/MEDIA]
god damn, I wasn't this stupid when I was new, thats no excuse.

I mean, one of those threads is STICKIED...that means...its at the very TOP

Stiffler, use what little part of your brain you have left over after all those times you banged heads with your buddies to court the only female in your retarded town to not make yourself look like an idiot

-SpideyKonfusion >_<
i agree with spidey there is WAAAYY to many of these exact threads named the exact thing on this forum... when should i go, where should i check, what time should i get there, what should i bring.... bring whatever the hell you want go when you want to and wherever you want to simple as that, check around and call to see what they are expecting
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SpideyKonfusion said:
god damn, I wasn't this stupid when I was new, thats no excuse.

I mean, one of those threads is STICKIED...that means...its at the very TOP

Stiffler, use what little part of your brain you have left over after all those times you banged heads with your buddies to court the only female in your retarded town to not make yourself look like an idiot

-SpideyKonfusion >_<

Omg are u on your PMS...Wtf i asked a Question On here and u guys go ****in crazy on my ass u guys need to chill... **** it I'm just going back to the xbox forums...Seriously go get laid
Stiffler773 said:
Omg are u on your PMS...Wtf i asked a Question On here and u guys go ****in crazy on my ass u guys need to chill... **** it I'm just going back to the xbox forums...Seriously go get laid

1) PMS isnt an object that implies you can be ON it. it would be more of a verb if anything, because usually people refer to it as PMSing.
2) you asked a question thats been answered before, idiot
3) go back to the xbox forums, we dont need any more STUPID around here
4) i dont think anyones sexual activities have anything to do with this topic....but we can make a topic in the lounge if you want to find out ;)

-SpideyKonfusion :drool:
why are there threads like this?

do people have no brain..? like, you need to go there early. drive by the area a few times, and see if anyone is there.. if people are coming, jump in line. if you wanted it badly you wouldn't even be here being a moron making a thread asking what time to get there. get your brain out of the microwave and go see for yourself.

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