I want to start a serious clan for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 for the Nintendo Wii but I feel as if looking for members online and texting them as become long, tedious, and a all around failure so far. In this clan I will have a private match with people who want to join and after the match I will ask a few questions such as what's your favorite weapon, strike package, play style, perks, etc. and I'll decide if you're in. To be elligible for a chance to join you must have reached rank 80 atleast 1 time. You must have a mic. because texting takes too long. You must have atleast 1 gun with Gold camo. You must NOT be a hacker, booster, glitcher, etc. You must be willing to have 1 class dedicated to use for the clan. You must be friendly
. Last, you must change your name to include the clan tag. The clan tag will be decided by the members of the clan once we have 10 members. The vote will be between the clan names SCP (Secure. Contain. Protect.), NME (NaME), and ZHU (Zombie Hunters Unite). Whichever 1 gets the most votes will be the theme of the clan. SCP = Futuristic, NME = Outlaws, and ZHU = Zombie apocalypse survivors.
Thanks to all who read this and if you're serious about jining this clan pm me your ally code and whenever I'm able to get on I'll start recruiting. I won't be able to officially start recruiting 'til an estimate of before Halloween because my wifi hasn't been letting me connect. Only the 1st 10 will have to go by the above rules. Anyone who wants to join after just has to send me their ally code, put the clan tag in their name, and that's about it.
I want to make a MW3 Wii clan that literally takes over the community. I want to start a revolution, so they say.
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