Muscle March WiiWare Game Due This Winter-1.052009-12-04 10:55:40Maura SIf you like very, very, very silly games then this could be your lucky day! Namco Bandai has today announced that their crazy Japanese game Muscle March is due for release on WiiWare in North America sometime this winter. It’s not often that we’re at a loss for words when it comes to describing a game, but Muscle March tends to have that effect!
The game is all about the macho world of body building, with a ‘plot’ that centres around some missing protein powder that has been stolen and has to be recovered by body builder Tony and his friends. When you see a thief attempting to escape with the powder and smashing through walls while making a series of body building poses, you must match the poses using your Wii Remote™ and Nunchuk™ in order to get through the hole and chase after the thief. At some point a polar bear in a swim suit becomes involved, but we’re not exactly sure why! Does there really need to be a reason?! If you simply want to throw muscular shapes you can play the Endless Rush mode where you can pose to your heart’s content against up to four rivals!