Multiple Wii Player Colors?


WiiChat Member
Jan 31, 2007
Hey guys, I'm looking to buy skins for my wiimotes, but I want to color code them. Does anyone know what colors wii sports assigns each players hand pointer during game selection?

I know player 1 is blue, player 2 is red, but what color does player 3 and 4 get? I think one of them gets green, but I can't remember for sure.

Anyone help me out?
Hey, I can confirm that Blue is no.1 and Red is no.2, but it's not just in Wii Sports it's in the Wii Menu, Wii Play, etc.

I understand hy you would want to colour code them (because i do myself, i have Blue for no.1 onyl cos i like it and i have my no.2 Black), but u don't have to have them matching to the corresponding Hand Colour.

Here is a screen from Eledees (or Elebits) that has the first 2 correect but i'm unsure about the 3rd and 4th.

Yeh i can confirm that Player 3 is Green, YouTube
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blue red green and yellow
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Byuakuya said:
you seem to be a very organised person. keep it up.

Yeah, I'm dorky like that, but it just seems to make the most sense so controllers dont get confused during a game.
ylomnstr said:
Yeah, I'm dorky like that, but it just seems to make the most sense so controllers dont get confused during a game.
don't get me wrong i am not insulting you. i think its a great idea but i personally don't seem to be motivated to do it. but its an awesome idea though.
Well, wouldn't it be wrong, since the controller ports are auto-assigned upon powering on of the Wii?
Byuakuya said:
don't get me wrong i am not insulting you. i think its a great idea but i personally don't seem to be motivated to do it. but its an awesome idea though.
I have to agree with byuakuya though, i don't think it's something i would hurt my head doing but it's still is a good thing if you are going to have that much people...... it could also be that big bro is lazy lmao
J-Tizzle said:
Player 1: Blue
Player 2: Red
Player 3: Green
Player 4: Either Gold or Yellow

Yeah, I Think That's Right...

That's A Very Good Idea To Color-Code Them Too!
Are you buying silicon skins or decal girl skins?

Cause personally I believe this would be really cool

Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4
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a30993 said:
Well, wouldn't it be wrong, since the controller ports are auto-assigned upon powering on of the Wii?

he is right.

while the plan seems like a pretty cool one, with none of the controllers powered on/connected then it assigns them in the order they are connected.

so if say you always used the blue one for player one, fine. BUT if you then connected your green or yellow one, the wii would put this as player two, and make it red.....(if you see what i mean the colours wouldnt always match, unless you connected them in the order each time)
hotpotato78 said:
I have to agree with byuakuya though, i don't think it's something i would hurt my head doing but it's still is a good thing if you are going to have that much people...... it could also be that big bro is lazy lmao
lazy as hell would be correct little bro. i like to keep things at minimum as much as possible.

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