I dont know
Drinkin Lemmys brand wiskey allways make me want to play ANYTHING by Moterhead
Shame theres no Death tank (think worms with out turns)(Saturn), ten player bomberman (saturn), Combat (atari 2600), pong (eerrrrrrrr) or Warlords (atari2600) on the VC
Simple games are best when drunk and theres nothing quite as good as two tank like things blowin each other up
Surely Combat is a death match game in the purest sence
Drinkin Lemmys brand wiskey allways make me want to play ANYTHING by Moterhead
Shame theres no Death tank (think worms with out turns)(Saturn), ten player bomberman (saturn), Combat (atari 2600), pong (eerrrrrrrr) or Warlords (atari2600) on the VC
Simple games are best when drunk and theres nothing quite as good as two tank like things blowin each other up
Surely Combat is a death match game in the purest sence