MS Won't Go Blu

its strange because MS said they would support whoevers format wins. they probably just have some issues to work out before they go out saying its going to happen.
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Yea, apparently they think digital downloads will takeover discs. They are right yet so very wrong...

Digital downloads are the way of the future, but not this damn soon. This is way to soon to do this because for one, when you go by percentage, an extremely small percentage download movies and even smaller download them legit by paying.

Then there's the fact that these downloads are big... A normal DVD rip (ISO file) is around 4.47 GB (forgot the exact number). A HD-DVD rip is obviously bigger because its better quality. Then Blu-rays are even bigger so thats like "wtfnothxbai". So an even smaller percentage even have a internet connection fast enough to make it worth while.

So until digital downloads become alot more mainstream and the average internet connection can download really fast, it's extremely idiotic to think digital downloads will overshadow discs. I don't see it happening for ATLEAST another 20 years...

So when it comes to this decision, the only thing I can say is either MS is extremely proud or extremely stupid.

But since im not even actually familiar with digital downloads via Xbox Market Place (I don't download those movies/shows) then I could be all wrong. But I do download torrents of DVDs.
T3kNi9e said:
Yea, apparently they think digital downloads will takeover discs. They are right yet so very wrong...

Digital downloads are the way of the future, but not this damn soon. This is way to soon to do this because for one, when you go by percentage, an extremely small percentage download movies and even smaller download them legit by paying.

Then there's the fact that these downloads are big... A normal DVD rip (ISO file) is around 4.47 GB (forgot the exact number). A HD-DVD rip is obviously bigger because its better quality. Then Blu-rays are even bigger so thats like "wtfnothxbai". So an even smaller percentage even have a internet connection fast enough to make it worth while.

So until digital downloads become alot more mainstream and the average internet connection can download really fast, it's extremely idiotic to think digital downloads will overshadow discs. I don't see it happening for ATLEAST another 20 years...

So when it comes to this decision, the only thing I can say is either MS is extremely proud or extremely stupid.

But since im not even actually familiar with digital downloads via Xbox Market Place (I don't download those movies/shows) then I could be all wrong. But I do download torrents of DVDs.

Or they just don't see it as a necessity. Obviously Blu-Ray isn't necessary to win the console war going on, Nintendo's already proving that as we speak. The 360 is doing fine as it is without Blu-Ray, though I don't really care if they do it or not, I just don't see any point in doing it when it isn't really necessary.

But, it's like with all companies when a rumor pops up. They always Deny, Deny, Deny.
No thats what they actually said lol. They said discs are a thing of the past and digital downloads is where its at. Not that I care about blu-ray... I would never buy movies at $25 when I can download and make my own DVDs for free.
i dont want ms to go blu. might hurt ps3 sales. not a fanboy i just think the ps3 could use the extra help.

but anyways digital media downloads hopefully arent taking over anytime soon. i'd hate that.
Their logic is revolved around ipods. People have been downloading/buying more mp3's than buying CD's now days. Which is very true... But even thinking MP3 downloads will completely make CD's irrelevant is idiotic enough, but to think digital downloads of movies will make DVD's irrelevant is just madness.
T3kNi9e said:
Their logic is revolved around ipods. People have been downloading/buying more mp3's than buying CD's now days. Which is very true... But even thinking MP3 downloads will completely make CD's irrelevant is idiotic enough, but to think digital downloads of movies will make DVD's irrelevant is just madness.

I have to agree, the way I see it the best solution would be to have both. The loss of CDs would greatly ruin the music industry in some form or fashion, if it were replaced by digital downloading that is.
Perhaps they just don't see DVD's dying off so quickly. I think people are going to want as much time with DVD as possible, to build up their collections, just like how they did with VHS.

If DVD lasts another 3 years for example, a lot more people should theoretically be able to get at least 8mb broadband. By then, we'd probably have 16mb or 32mb as maximum. Heck, we may be able to have a high enough bitrate to stream and record at the same time (in essence, streaming it as it's being downloaded to a media device, suitable for later playback).

I don't think it's 20 years away, but I don't see it coming in til at least 2010 either.

Also, another advantage is easy portability. If you can fit all your video collection on a single device (or a few devices), you'll be able to literally take your entire collection with you.

I always did think that the HD format wars did actually depend on the failure of digital downloads.

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