Mortal Kombat:Armaghedon


WiiChat Member
Feb 3, 2007
Saugus, MA
Wii Online Code
yeah so i was looking at some reviews and i saw that mortal kombat armaghedon was always at the end of the list (if it even made it) i really dont see why. i thought it was a fairly decent game the controls u needed to learn how to do correctly but overall it was far better then some of the games that made it higher on list such as SONIC(terrible), WII PLAY(also terrible,with the exception of tanks) but i guess im jus ranting but i enjoyed mortal kombat... currently in story mode right now... gots to save up some cash for some good titiles coming soon
i agree. although i dont know what list youre talking about. MK:A for wii really shines through multiplayer. and if you watch the wiimote instructional videos, anything you disliked about the controls makes sense. for example, not every character has a special move for every motion, so thats why sometimes you will do one motion and get another move. also, to perform a fatality, and get the actual kill, you have to make the actual motion of ripping a head off or something, not just keep a string going. once i figured these out i enjoyed the game a lot more. customizing your own characetr is so fun too. motor kombat is a nice distraction lol. i'd give it a 7.5/8
It's complete garbage IMO.
I was so disapointed... Gameplay is sketchy at best, chars only have one style and then weapon. Some weapons got shifted and a lot are repeating.
Deception > Armageddon by a long way
That game kicked serious butt. It has so many characters to choose from and the Konquest mode is awesome. Only thing wrong is the controls but that can be fixed with a classic/gamecube controller.
I played it at a friend's house. It was a bit of a disappointment compared to Deception but even worse from Xbox to Wii. The motion controls were overdone, as with lots of 3rd party games, and it just wasn't as fun. We need a real fighting game for the Wii, it could be sick as long as they keep it simple.
The amount of characters was more than sufficient and the story mode was great, apart from the ending which was really dissapointing.

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