More moderators

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Nov 27, 2006
This site needs more people moderating. It's like everyone is 10 and intentionally gets on here to start **** with everone else.

If we have plenty of moderators, then they just need to do their jobs better.
The mods cant be on 24/7
They have a outside life and other sites to go to
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Darkprinny said:
The mods cant be on 24/7
They have a outside life and other sites to go to

If a site has enough mods one of then is almost always on.
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MetroidZ said:
Search next time. it has been said.

Really? Hmmm... Did you ever thing that this is the site suggestion are that if more and more people suggest it, it will get done?
BlenderWizard said:
Really? Hmmm... Did you ever thing that this is the site suggestion are that if more and more people suggest it, it will get done?
Do you think your rudeness is necessary? Seriously though, use the search feature; there are quite a few "more mods please" threads. Thanks:)
MetroidZ said:
Search next time. it has been said.

Yeah I really get sick of this being said. Everytime you put something, it don't matter it it's been posted or not somebody puts, "Use the Search" blah blah blah. We'll let me tell you something, if you can ever even find that small little search bar on the right then you would know that you can only search a new keyword every 30 seconds and that flat out sucks. What a poor search utility! Save some typing if you've already seen a post that has been posted before! It's not always the user, the search function on this site truely sucks! I can even list names of all the people that does this crap on a regular basis!
iplaywii said:
Yeah I really get sick of this being said. Everytime you put something, it don't matter it it's been posted or not somebody puts, "Use the Search" blah blah blah. We'll let me tell you something, if you can ever even find that small little search bar on the right then you would know that you can only search a new keyword every 30 seconds and that flat out sucks. What a poor search utility! Save some typing if you've already seen a post that has been posted before! It's not always the user, the search function on this site truely sucks! I can even list names of all the people that does this crap on a regular basis!
What? I litterally just did like 6 consecutive searches of different keywords and they all worked and I didn't have to wait 30 seconds or anything.:wtf:

I too get somewhat annoyed when people say search but only because after searching I realize there are quite a few threads on the topic. If there are only a few really old threads on a topic, then go ahead and start a new thread, but otherwise it just adds to the number of duplicate threads.
NateTheGreat said:
What? I litterally just did like 6 consecutive searches of different keywords and they all worked and I didn't have to wait 30 seconds or anything.:wtf:

I too get somewhat annoyed when people say search but only because after searching I realize there are quite a few threads on the topic. If there are only a few really old threads on a topic, then go ahead and start a new thread, but otherwise it just adds to the number of duplicate threads.

Don't give me a :wtf: look! For example: Go search for remote and then consecutivly do a search for remote controllers, you gotta wait 30 seconds before you can search again after the first time!

I don't care if it's posted 100 million times or not at all. Some people are over doing it with the "use the search" crap. Just my opinion...
Id hate to see a forum ran by you
loads of posts all about the same thing
yes there many posts like this,but does it ever happen?are we gonna get more moderators if we le the old posts sit there,or keep making them till they finally do something about it.
They cant be ignored
the noobs keep posting in them
Well if there is a bunch of kids on this site. Is it neccessary to use the word "****".
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