MOHH2 Wiichat Lobby Friday 7:00EST

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  • #47
Did somebody already make the game?...If not I'm going to go ahead and start the room now. Hope to see you all there.
Wow, I never realized how much I really sucked until I played people that were actually good.

Oh well, I'm still a noob to the game cause I got it a few days ago. At least I killed Renz once. :lol:

Might be on later, but I'm taking a break.
I hate playing deathmatch with those dumb spawns. I like ctf better knowing full well that when i kill a guy, he isn't going to spawn right behind me. otherwise great game, see you guys tomorrow or next week.

***I hope next week, everyone won't start leaving 45 min. after the rooms was up.
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renz your pretty good you left after getting like 90 kills or something. i had too leave at 60 because of the lack of people. i was varakan in the game. ring a bell to any of you?

EDIT: so ture renz. i prefer ctf, maybe we can do tha next time. or atleast team death match
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  • #52
Well this was fun guys, sorry I had to leave, my game paused and then after that I had no desire to continue playing. Although I got a few kills on Renz(Although he is still the **** at this game), this was a fun match. I'll definitely do this again next week.
no doubt, this was fun. I've played with some new people from wii chat which was fun. Props to dzapper who was my rival at the game. Also, I think the name was chopper or something...Stop killing me with your sniper rifle...sheesh,lol
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  • #55
Renz said:
no doubt, this was fun. I've played with some new people from wii chat which was fun. Props to dzapper who was my rival at the game. Also, I think the name was chopper or something...Stop killing me with your sniper rifle...sheesh,lol
Definitely, you are definitely good Renz...For a second there I thought I was going to catch your score. But then I started getting sniped by CHOPPAS and shotgunned by Varakan and befroe you know it I went from 30 to 27. Then of course my game paused. But I'm probably going to get back online in a minute.
Dzapper said:
Definitely, you are definitely good Renz...For a second there I thought I was going to catch your score. But then I started getting sniped by CHOPPAS and shotgunned by Varakan and befroe you know it I went from 30 to 27. Then of course my game paused. But I'm probably going to get back online in a minute.

anyone up for tomorrow at the same time?
That was fun but there was 2 things I didn't enjoy much... The map Port, and DM. Port is like too big and there are too many places where someone can pop up behind you. Also I just don't like DM, next time maybe we should have an open room with Wiichat members on a specific side.
Damn it sucks that I have dont get off work untill 10 on Fridays I will miss killing yalls! Will you be making doing this for any other nights beside Fridays? You should make this for everynight between this (for example 6-10pm) so than people like me or whoever can but playing everyone else here on wiichat. Also will we be playing DM or what? And is there anyone else that just plays this game with the zapper? I do and i murder people in DM but the only thing is I hate the places that I sometimes respawn at.