modded wii

Samster said:
If I bought a Wii title then I am perfectly within my rights to create a back up of it for everyday use.

A back up can be created in under 2 hours now. The important factor is that only very few certain makes and models of DVD drives will allow you to create the .iso image file of the original Wii title.

These drives are:

Hitachi LG GDR-8161b (IDE)
Hitachi LG GDR-8162b (IDE)
Hitachi LG GDR-8163b (IDE)
Hitachi LG GDR-8164b (IDE)
Hitachi LG GDR-H10NBLK (SATA) there's three or four models by LG that will work. Interestingly you only need one of these specific drives to create the image file. You can burn the image file using any drive and virtually any media. Strange.

You can then use RawDump to create yourself an ISO of precisely 4,699,979,776 bytes. If you are worried that the update code on the original CD may brick your modded Wii then you can use an application called 'Brick Blocker' which will strip away any dashboard update code from the image before you burn it.

Nero, Alcohol120% anything will then burn your ISO for you.

It's really very simple. Stripping the update code takes minutes. Job done. No point in Nintendo forcing a new firmware update on the discs - it's not difficult to get around. Nothing at all that Nintendo can do about it until they release their next console. Sorry but that's just the way it is.

The reason people are saying that there modded Wii's no longer play backups is because they've not stripped out the dash update code. Serves them right for just downloading an ISO from a Newsgroup or Torrent!

Out of interest I purchase all my titles, I just have a healthy interest in making sure that software I bought can still be copied. Goes back to my 48K Speccy days - High speed dubbing - hell yeah!

That's interesting but I can't try it. I don't know if it's worth it to buy a new DVD writer just for this purpose. I see your point though.

Nintendo is simply making it hard for the average user. Obviously it's not difficult to make illegal copies so why make it unlikely that regular users make backups?
Why do you guys steal from Nintendo? I mean, i think we can all agree with want Nintendo to be around for a long time, well if you steal everything, Nintendo wont earn money.. Meaning no more Nintendo Consoles for all of us... And for the people that say "I buy all my games, i just like a modded wii for this reason..." That's a load of BS, you don't buy all your games, like anyone is believing that, you modded your Wii to steal games.
SadnessI said:
Why do you guys steal from Nintendo? I mean, i think we can all agree with want Nintendo to be around for a long time, well if you steal everything, Nintendo wont earn money.. Meaning no more Nintendo Consoles for all of us... And for the people that say "I buy all my games, i just like a modded wii for this reason..." That's a load of BS, you don't buy all your games, like anyone is believing that, you modded your Wii to steal games.

People really do buy their games. You simply don't know what you're talking about. Obviously many don't buy their games like 80% of China.

Companies like Nintendo do not depend on China for their market they depend on Japan, Europe and the US. Just because I like the Wii and some of the games doesn't mean I can't criticize the company. It's a big friggin' company with only one real goal: take your money. That's it. Nintendo is already starting to ignore the consumer.
austinAlan said:
Just because I like the Wii and some of the games doesn't mean I can't criticize the company. It's a big friggin' company with only one real goal: take your money. That's it. Nintendo is already starting to ignore the consumer.

And what do they do with the money they "take"? Put it in a big pile and roll around in it laughing? No, the pay their hard-working employees. People who need money in order to support their spouse, pay the rent, and put food on the table to feed their kids. Some money goes into research and development so that we have the oppotunity to buy more things that we derive entertainment from. A big company is just a big group of people like you and me, trying to make our way in this world as best as we can.

EA just layed off several hundred people. Those people are now out of a job. Was that because of piracy? No, not entirely that's for sure. But that doesn't mean that piracy played no roll in those people losing their jobs. But it shows that when a company cuts back for any reason, it's the little guy that usually gets hurt the most.

So the next time one of you guys out there decides to download a game instead of buying it, just know that down the line, some random Joe is just a little bit closer to losing his job.
Skippy said:
And what do they do with the money they "take"? Put it in a big pile and roll around in it laughing? No, the pay their hard-working employees. People who need money in order to support their spouse, pay the rent, and put food on the table to feed their kids. Some money goes into research and development so that we have the oppotunity to buy more things that we derive entertainment from. A big company is just a big group of people like you and me, trying to make our way in this world as best as we can.

EA just layed off several hundred people. Those people are now out of a job. Was that because of piracy? No, not entirely that's for sure. But that doesn't mean that piracy played no roll in those people losing their jobs. But it shows that when a company cuts back for any reason, it's the little guy that usually gets hurt the most.

So the next time one of you guys out there decides to download a game instead of buying it, just know that down the line, some random Joe is just a little bit closer to losing his job.

You don't listen. People, like me, want to have a copy of the games I OWN. That's not taking money out of their hands or food from their tables. In fact it hurts me that I can't because these disks are cheap pieces of crap if you want the truth. The game companies are telling us to go buy the game again if that cheap plastic somehow gets scratched even if it is done by the Wii itself.

You cannot seriously defend EA either. There's a company that makes tons of cash by producing roster updates every year and marketing them as significant upgrades. The EA ports for the Wii alone should cost the company lots of money and jobs because they are a complete rip off!

I guess this is fanboyism or something because it sure isn't rational consumerism.
austinAlan said:
In fact it hurts me that I can't because these disks are cheap pieces of crap if you want the truth. The game companies are telling us to go buy the game again if that cheap plastic somehow gets scratched even if it is done by the Wii itself.
Anyone above the age of 8 that could take care of there items shouldn't have broken games.. Ive never in my life had a game get screwed up, ever since NES/Super NES/N64/GC/Wii/PS1/PS2, not one of my games i own for all those consoles are broken, they still all work perfect. I think maybe you should learn to take care of your games..
SadnessI said:
Anyone above the age of 8 that could take care of there items shouldn't have broken games.. Ive never in my life had a game get screwed up, ever since NES/Super NES/N64/GC/Wii/PS1/PS2, not one of my games i own for all those consoles are broken, they still all work perfect. I think maybe you should learn to take care of your games..

If you buy a book and read it do you believe it's your right to give it to a friend or resale it? How long do you expect that book to last? Well DVD do not fair a fraction as well as books over time even with delicate pampering. Your limited use of CDs and your throwaway mentality have lead you to say such ridiculous things. These things are expensive and they should be indefinitely transferable but they are not only because corporations have overstepped their rights.
SensesFail said:
no actually it was a topic on the forum so quit being such a close minded ****.

its not impossible and its not improbable. it just means that the update the wii needs to play mario galaxy will be able to detect mod chips. its not going to completely stop hackers from playin galaxy it would jsut slow them down for a few months till they got around it. its not a perfect plan but at least theyd be taking action.

so you can go back to stealing your games for now, but eventually game companys will find a way to stop it. im not a mod hater, i just think its shady to steal what everybody else pays for. i mean people claim to be nintendo fans/supporters yet they cant support them financially. its hypocritical.

Link to topic:

Well i would know cause mg is alredy out in some sites. The reason there is bricking is because it way to ahead of its time for people that dont have the latest modchip the D2Ckey modchips. The game wont even read. But now the modchip comps are going to make an update so when the real game comes out every thing will be all good =).

should have made this more clear last time
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I'm assuming everyone that's so hardcore against modding & downloading Wii games doesn't have a single downloaded mp3 on their computer, because it's exactly the same thing, lol. Or how do you justify your need to support Nintendo financially but not talented musicians?
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Celeste said:
I'm assuming everyone that's so hardcore against modding & downloading Wii games doesn't have a single mp3 on their computer, because it's exactly the same thing, lol. Or how do you justify your need to support Nintendo financially but not talented musicians?

You mean illegal mp3.

mp3 are perfectly fine.
no their not because people download copies of songs so people should **** off and leave the gaming industry alone I mean sure people Pirate but at least 80% of the damn reason is because they live in countries were games are so damn expensive they cant buy it so unless any of you have the balls to go live in one of those countries and try to pay full price for a game **** off. for example people in the phlipines have to pay between $110-150 for their games wether its used or not. they have to pay more for everything and anything they want so unless you can take living in a country like that back off.
Celeste said:
I'm assuming everyone that's so hardcore against modding & downloading Wii games doesn't have a single downloaded mp3 on their computer, because it's exactly the same thing, lol. Or how do you justify your need to support Nintendo financially but not talented musicians?
If you think buying CDs supports musicians, you don't understand the music industry. The music industry and the game industry are not the same, not by a long shot.

The only way buying a CD supports a musician is if they are their own distributor. Otherwise, they hardly see a penny from each CD sold and depend instead on concert ticket sales and other merchandise to support them. Go ahead, ask a musician. What's the matter... don't know any? That's too bad... I do. Why do you think so many musicians are giving their labels the finger and trying to break free and distribute the music themselves?
sremick said:
If you think buying CDs supports musicians, you don't understand the music industry. The music industry and the game industry are not the same, not by a long shot.

The only way buying a CD supports a musician is if they are their own distributor. Otherwise, they hardly see a penny from each CD sold and depend instead on concert ticket sales and other merchandise to support them. Go ahead, ask a musician. What's the matter... don't know any? That's too bad... I do. Why do you think so many musicians are giving their labels the finger and trying to break free and distribute the music themselves?
Irrelevant to my actual point. Change the word musicians in my initial post to the word labels if it'll make you all happy inside. My point is, I'm sure at least 90% of the people saying ZOMFG MODDING IZ WRONG!!!!!!!!!11111111~ have an abundance of downloaded music on their computers AND/OR downloaded TV shows/movies to burn to DVDs or use on their video iPods, etc. It's the same thing. Both are technically wrong, no matter which parties are directly benefiting financially from us purchasing the media.
Celeste said:
Irrelevant to my actual point. Change the word musicians in my initial post to the word labels if it'll make you all happy inside. My point is, I'm sure at least 90% of the people saying ZOMFG MODDING IZ WRONG!!!!!!!!!11111111~ have an abundance of downloaded music on their computers AND/OR downloaded TV shows/movies to burn to DVDs or use on their video iPods, etc. It's the same thing. Both are technically wrong, no matter which parties are directly benefiting financially from us purchasing the media.
Nah not me, i buy my CD or use emusic which i pay monthly.. And no i dont download shows/movies.. I find it pointless to watch it a movie on a tiny screen. I rent my movies from Netflix. And no im not rich.

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