Mod position up for grabs

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god so does everyone hate me :(. and mods shoulndt be the best freinds or they might be generous to some and biased against others
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  • #99
Twilight. YOu are out for 2 reasons. 1 you never sent me a PM and 2, a Mod should NOT be as arrogant as you. While I don't use this forum anymore (I no longer even have it as my homepage or favorite) and don't have time for it (work, friends and the such) it still holds a place in my heart. Was the first website I ever helped run and one of the bigger sites I have ever been apart of. I have made some good friends here and had an awesome time. I really want the position to go to 2 great people that I feel deserve it and will help the site until i0n stops paying for it and it dies. Right now I am leaning to the 2 Fox's (sorry david and 1337. I do trust you and all and feel I know you well enough but I just feel the 2 Foxes are better suited for the postition). Now this does not mean I will be gone. I may stop by and make a post or 2 but I am not on the internet anywhere near as much as I used to be. GF wont allow it :p lol. I will post my final choices sometime on Tuesday. Until then this thread is locked. If you have any questions PM me or IM me on MSN at
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  • #100
(Just realized that my post was number 100 in the thread before I locked it. Win! lol) Well I decided I will choose Fox and Foxy for the position. I feel they are both qualified and trustworthy of the spot. I will work on removing any personal info from my account that I can and PM you 2 the new password when I change it and some other info about the do's and dont's of being a moderator. It will be either sometime tonight or tomorrow as I am getting together with my family today for a grill out. Congrats guys!
Twilight. YOu are out for 2 reasons. 1 you never sent me a PM and 2, a Mod should NOT be as arrogant as you. While I don't use this forum anymore (I no longer even have it as my homepage or favorite) and don't have time for it (work, friends and the such) it still holds a place in my heart. Was the first website I ever helped run and one of the bigger sites I have ever been apart of. I have made some good friends here and had an awesome time. I really want the position to go to 2 great people that I feel deserve it and will help the site until i0n stops paying for it and it dies. Right now I am leaning to the 2 Fox's (sorry david and 1337. I do trust you and all and feel I know you well enough but I just feel the 2 Foxes are better suited for the postition). Now this does not mean I will be gone. I may stop by and make a post or 2 but I am not on the internet anywhere near as much as I used to be. GF wont allow it :p lol. I will post my final choices sometime on Tuesday. Until then this thread is locked. If you have any questions PM me or IM me on MSN at

Wow.. You could have just said no..
Passed up
With all this time I spent on the site telling noobs what to do.
<Insert Chris Jerico style rant>
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