Miyamoto Unconcerned By Rival Motion Control Systems

Every one likes a certain system, for the games available for it or just to follow a fad. I got my wii for zelda games, and try out some fps. My friends have 360s, laugh at me, and I just tell them: "Hey, you know that wii motion plus? Its better than natal. Did you also hear nintendo is working on a graphic package for the wii so it will be able to carry your 360 graphics?" and they shutup. It is all a matter of opinion. Even though the wii sells the most, the games still lack the hardcore quality. There are some, but not enough. But, with a new zelda, the conduit, and all these games coming out in 2010, I wont be surprised if nintendo will be higher in the rankings. Anyway, back to the opinion topic, many 360 fanboys just have it for halo and apparently all of these great games. Then, they get obsessed with it, more than nintendo fans ever do, and start to rant and rant on the internet. I dont know about a country other than my horrible america, but I see alot of this in my country. Even though this post jumps around to random topics, I hope you get my point that all this negativity is based off of opinion and unreliable "facts".
+1 -3 the Wii is the worst of the 3 next-gen systems

:thumbsup:But the next gen consoles aren't here yet.

You also forgot it's the only console with casual games and motion control.:thumbsup:

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