I'm not super old (25) but have a wife and kid and am old and decrepid so I count as an adult 
Picked up this game today even after reading all of the bad reviews. My wife and I who have never played mario party games before this spent some time playing tonight after the munchkin went to bed. We love it!
It took about 15 minutes to kind of understand wtf was going on, but boy did we get competitive and have a great time.
Graphics are good, this isn't suppose to be a Gears of War competitor. They are colorful and there are good animations. It really SUCKS that there is minimal widescreen support, i dont think there is any excuse for that.
The support for the wii-mote is almost perfect. There are a couple of games so far that we've been a bit upset with the moves not registering properly but overall, GOOD.
I have a feeling this will be an outstanding party game for our families (mom's and dad's both love wii-sports) and our friends to play.
That's all.
Picked up this game today even after reading all of the bad reviews. My wife and I who have never played mario party games before this spent some time playing tonight after the munchkin went to bed. We love it!
It took about 15 minutes to kind of understand wtf was going on, but boy did we get competitive and have a great time.
Graphics are good, this isn't suppose to be a Gears of War competitor. They are colorful and there are good animations. It really SUCKS that there is minimal widescreen support, i dont think there is any excuse for that.
The support for the wii-mote is almost perfect. There are a couple of games so far that we've been a bit upset with the moves not registering properly but overall, GOOD.
I have a feeling this will be an outstanding party game for our families (mom's and dad's both love wii-sports) and our friends to play.
That's all.