hybrid -x1
~graceful assassin~

So it's Monster Hunter season once again fellow hunters! The time to struggle just to forge up an armor or weapon we THOUGHT was good only to find it obsolete when taking on the next Monster which one hit killed us is here :lol: Gather around my small fellow Wiichat hunters and rejoice with me! We're less than a day away now..just HOURS away. The anticipation is killing me here!!
I'm an experienced hunter following the Monster Hunter series since the first game. I no life it most of the time and reach the final hunter rank on most Monster Hunter games. What I don't do however is try hard the game nor attempt doing speed runs, bash people, rant, *****, about how another hunter plays. I die too on the game! So let me welcome any and all returning/NEW hunters with me to take on the MH3U challenge and experience.
This goes for my fellow European hunters too! Remember my European hunters we'll be getting a patch next month (April) for cross region play!
Join me anyone, everyone, North Americans, Europeans, experienced hunters, Newbies;
-This is an invitation from Wiichat's Hybrid-
That's about it ^_^