MGS on Wii


Zombie Killer
Dec 2, 2006
Wii Online Code
What do you guys think of the chances a MGS remake on the Wii. they did it wiht twin snakes i would love to get some Metal Gear Solid on the wii so i can finally get rid of my PS2
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not specific

it says a Wii game it could be another ZOE for all we know. i also wanted peoples opinions of thinks thanks for the article link.
Yeah it would be fun. But i wud rather them, make a special metal gear solid for the wii instead of making the same game people played on the Ps2.... But twin snakes was good though.
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if they made like a compilation of mgs mgs2 mgs3 and a bunch of goodies with wiimote functionallity i would happier than a pig in SH** but i would also love an original title

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