Metroid Prime 3, worth trying?


Jul 11, 2007
I've only played the first Metroid on NES (actually it was an online NES emulator), so I really know nothing about Metroid.

What are the main selling points of the Metroid Prime series and Corruption specifically? Let me give you a list of games I really enjoy and you tell me whether or not it's worth trying out MP3. These go in order, none left out:

-Spyro (Legend of Spyro series)
-Zelda: Twilight Princess (no other Zelda's)
-Super Smash Bros. Melee

For you, I'd recommend it.
You seem to like long lasting Nintendo Style Adventure games (Zelda), so you seem to be alright with having to collect Items and fighting bosses to obtain them. Like the Wolf form for Link, there is the Hyper Mode for Samus. The Story may not be cinematic, but as you could expect from Nintendo. It's a first person adventure game, even though some may call it a First Person Shooter, like Halo. You may only miss the Multiplayer which made Halo2.
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Go out and buy Metroid Prime right now (I got it for $5 used). It's fantastic!
MP3 is mostly exploration, with shooting and battle sequences. Be aware - there is a good bit of back tracking.
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Honestly, it just sounds boring. Like, I NEED a storyline, a GOOD one, to keep me in a game. This is why I either play sports games or Zelda/Spyro.
The story will pretty much be like the Zelda TP story...

... as far as the quality goes...
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Secumfex said:
For you, I'd recommend it.
You seem to like long lasting Nintendo Style Adventure games (Zelda), so you seem to be alright with having to collect Items and fighting bosses to obtain them. Like the Wolf form for Link, there is the Hyper Mode for Samus. The Story may not be cinematic, but as you could expect from Nintendo. It's a first person adventure game, even though some may call it a First Person Shooter, like Halo. You may only miss the Multiplayer which made Halo2.

wait...there is no multiplayer in metroid prime 3?? what the heck is nintendo thinkin???:yikes:
Yeah this game is worth trying, maybe even buying.
Although I have not played it myself yet :lol:
But judging by the pics and videos and the past games, this one should not disappoint.

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