Metroid Prime 3 VS Halo 3

At the moment what you all seem to be doing is comparing one thing you have not yet experienced to another thing that you have not yet experienced.

Is a bit like if i placed two new types of Beer in front of you and asked you not to taste them but tell me which one you felt would be the best tasting out of the two.

It amazes me that so much detail has went into some of the posts on this thread, its really all just supposition that cant lead to anything concrete.

Personally i will wait to comment until i play Metroid Prime 3 on the Wii and Halo 3 on my brother in laws 360, then ill get back to you on which ones better. As for the final sales figures who can really tell, there are far too many variables.
I don't get the hype over Halo, the first one was alright and the second one was boring. PC FPS FTW.
I also played Metroid Prime for the Gamecube and thought it was a bit overrated - I didn't like the way it's all in very similar space environments and i don't like the auto lock-on of the gun.
But that's just my opinion.

One thing though, PCGamer UK gave H2 about 66% :p
Depends if Metroid has online play, the it may win on my list. But if I had both the Wii and the 360, I would get Halo.
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Nfanboy said:
Although I heard the 1-player was ok, I heard that Metroid Prime Hunters has awsome Wi-Fi.
Yeah the one player on the DS wasnt amazing (Althought the fact the other hunters moved from planet to planet randomly and that you could fight them over and over was awesome) however the previous Prime games were incredible...Prime 3 looks even better!

If they could merge the console games story mode with the handheld versions multiplayer I would be in heaven <3
Even if it has online play, it won't be as good as Halo 3 multiplayer cuz wii online is similar to DS online, so there won't be tons of players in one game (maybe 5).
I pray to god that MP3 story mode is not like hunters cuz it sucks BALLS!!
But either way even with online MP3 will still lose.
But they will both be amazing games.
Funky Gibbon said:
At the moment what you all seem to be doing is comparing one thing you have not yet experienced to another thing that you have not yet experienced.

Is a bit like if i placed two new types of Beer in front of you and asked you not to taste them but tell me which one you felt would be the best tasting out of the two.

Except not. People have been privy to previews and descriptions of both games prior to this, but this thread is not solely about which game 'tastes' better, but which one will achieve greater success. The factors that will ultimately lead to market success are only slightly tied game quality itself (Halo 2 was widely considered inferior to the original, but outsold Halo 1) because of the importance of the series and the expectations themselves. Would that merit were the only factor, but it isn't.

Pre-order numbers and install bases are reliable factors that can lead you to make at least some predictions about sales for games that are flagship products for their systems. Prior sales of prequel games by the same developers, notable in-system competition, reviews, chatter--all of this is useful data in making predictions.

If your point is that no prediction can be as secure as hindsight, well, no duh. But the criticism basically calls the act of predicting, educated or not, a worthless endeavor. What would that undercut... a quarter of the US economy? It's not a valid criticism. If you'd like to point out particular factors that you believe are less reliable than others feel free. If you'd like to not avoid predictions altogether, why are you posting in a predictions thread?
Hybrid said:
Even if it has online play, it won't be as good as Halo 3 multiplayer cuz wii online is similar to DS online, so there won't be tons of players in one game (maybe 5)
Thats a bad thing? I think Metroid is better suited for smaller matches tbh...the beams are the type to need some up close INTENSE fighting before somebody falls. That is unless some sneaky sob manages to find a hiding place and the sniper beam...

If loads of people where doing that at once it would be hell and probably turn into a frantic missle storm/ morph ball bomb pit of hell...
I too believe that Metroid is a better series, but you cant deny the fact that Halo 3 will be more popular. In a popularity contest Halo would win 10 to 1 against Metroid. There is no competition, Halo 3 sales will absolutely obliterate Metroid 3 sales.

That however in no way means that Halo is better than Metroid, just more popular.
well, halo 3 has awesome online play and hopefully so will MP3 and the single player will be great on both games. halo will probably be better overall but MP3 still has a fighting chance
metroid will loose but only because more Xbox360s have been sold so there for more people will buy halo 3... i think we forget that last generation Nintendo wasn't in the game. so if more wiis are in the hands of people than 360's then metroid will win... anyone agree
Frankly I would guess Halo 3, but sure as hell I'm gonna hope that MP3 would take the crown ;)