Metroid Prime 3: Corruption In 2008?

comon stop burnig him I think it a possibility cause nintendo is reliable and you know what I do think ther going to be online play cause frige Jan. to June frig i could bild a game in that time (not tue but still) sur perfecting could take 2 monts or so thats still lots of time to add im not disin no one im just saying its a possibility kk.

sorry 4 the usless post
naruto_freak said:
comon stop burnig him I think it a possibility cause nintendo is reliable and you know what I do think ther going to be online play cause frige Jan. to June frig i could bild a game in that time (not tue but still) sur perfecting could take 2 monts or so thats still lots of time to add im not disin no one im just saying its a possibility kk.

sorry 4 the usless post

yes that was a freaking useless post and doesn't deserve to be read. that was the worst grammar i have ever seen and you should be ashamed. it looks like now we'll be flaming you.
callme.nasty said:
yes that was a freaking useless post and doesn't deserve to be read. that was the worst grammar i have ever seen and you should be ashamed. it looks like now we'll be flaming you.
I f**kin agree that waz tha worst post ive read in yrs!
Dammit my eyes r bleedin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
naruto_freak said:
comon stop burnig him I think it a possibility cause nintendo is reliable and you know what I do think ther going to be online play cause frige Jan. to June frig i could bild a game in that time (not tue but still) sur perfecting could take 2 monts or so thats still lots of time to add im not disin no one im just saying its a possibility kk.

sorry 4 the usless post
Can you speeky da English? :lol:

Didn't get that post at all...I mean i couldn't even read it...but, I'll point out 2 things:

1. It's called flaming, not burning. :lol:

2. If you have to put, "sorry 4 the usless post" at the end of your message, you know it wasn't worth saying at all.
Metroid Prime 3 is gonna pwn! I can't wait for this game, it does sometimes annoy me that the Wii has hardly any games at the moment. And I really do want a decent game to buy now like Metroid, because most games for the Wii at the minute aren't that great. =/
accutaly im french and go to a french high school and pratacly failing english oh and sorry for
1.defending a dude that may or may not have just wanted to help
2.using the wrong termanologie(SORRY if I rote that wrong:rolleyes:)
3.not double cheching my spelling (from now on will do)
4.posting it in the first place
That was a pretty funny post (from what I could read lol). Metroid Prime is pretty much the poster child of Nintendo FPS (if thats what u call it). It's gonna be sweet and better be worth the wait. It sucks that nintendo doesn't tell us anything, I mean, would it kill them to **accidentally** release a few details?
So is it confirmed that metroid prime corruption has conformed that its gonna have Online Multiplayer?
I believe that online has not yet been confirmed so far... but if it's taking this long, then that's gotta be what they're working on. I hope...:ihih:
The guy at the gamestop by me was also pretty certain that it will indeed be out in august.