Metroid Prime 3 controls


WiiChat Member
Apr 3, 2007
had a quick look and couldnt find a thread on this, so apologies if there is

im looking into buying this game, but you use A for shoot right, is it possible to change the control scheme, as i am looking for fps' compatible with the nyko perfect shot.

Yes, it's possible.

I know you can definately change it so that B is to shoot.

Hope you do get it. It's a really good game.
You can switch the A and B buttons so A is jump and B is fire, but I think that's about it. Can't imagine that would work very well with a gun shell.
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do you need to jump alot, because if you dont really need to jump alot when shooting or whatever it might not be that bad to use the hand with the nunchuck in
You do tend to Jump quite a bit, or often anyways.
So I personally would change A to Jump and B to fire, those were my preferred controls and your best bet for a good FPS experience.
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but will it work using a gun attachment or be uncomfortable/awkward?
don't know why you would need a gun attachment for this game. there is so much going on all the time you really don't have time to aim it like a gun anyway. The regular control with A for jump and B for fire is best I believe.
Good luck!
I think it would be pretty awkward. In addition to jumping with the A button, you have to be able to hit the d pad down for missiles, the minus button for visors and the plus button for Hypermode. And the map is the 1 button, which you use pretty frequently. Not being able to reach those buttons on the fly, like during boss battles, would be awkward to say the least.
Gun attachment, no no.
That is not needed for Metroid Prime 3, it just would not feel right.
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arite, thanks alot, i still think i may buy it if i can get some cash together as what ive heard is its pretty good. :thumbsup:
if you want to use the perfect shot, games that are Zapper compatible should work pretty well. Medal of Honor: Heroes 2, RE:UC, etc.

i know the Zapper setting in MOH:H2 has it so that the buttons on the top of the wiimote are used as infrequently as possible, like to switch weapons or something rather than a function like shooting that you're doing constantly. i would say there is too much jumping in MP3 for it to be used with the gun shell though.
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cif said:
but will it work using a gun attachment or be uncomfortable/awkward?

This is what I'm going to try out sooner or later as it would be a lot more fun that way. Also a redesign of the button layout for the thumb would also be sweet on the back of a gun add-on. Having more of a golden eye N64 paw trigger grip with some type of control a thumb press away would be sweet.

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