metal slug suckksss

Check your instruction manual, and stop your bitching. You need to get bombs to use them.
If you use the wii remote controller alone holding it sideways you cant use bombs even if u have them. (at least it wouldnt work for me no matter what ****ing combo i pressed and i dont have a manual since i rented it from gamefly) Use a GC or classic controller i think that will let u use the bombs and im not sure about the nunchuck control.
Kamikaze said:
Check your instruction manual, and stop your bitching. You need to get bombs to use them.
100,000 awesome points to you, my friend.
Actually if you use the Wiimote (playing it sideways) you can use bombs. Simply shake the controller or give it a subtle jerk. I have beat this game 3 times over (Metal Slug 1-6). Shake it and it will throw bombs.
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thanks guys and sorry for the bitching. i rented it from blockbuster and god forbid they let you borrow the instructions manual :D but yeah thanks for the how-to oh and when you go to the menu for remote configuration, its confusing as ever
Deathmetalmaster said: did anyone else catch that the back of the box says the game is 4 player when it is actually only 2 player?

i think I should sue for false advertisement

LOL! Nothing like us Americans being Sue Happy...

This threads title should have been "How do I throw bombs in Metal Slug" instead of the title it had. *Shugs* What can we do...
Deathmetalmaster said: did anyone else catch that the back of the box says the game is 4 player when it is actually only 2 player?

i think I should sue for false advertisement

deathmetalmaster is kill me lmao..... Yeah americans love to sue, but you do have a reason cause they lieing. Most likely thats was a mistake......... But the name of this thread is wrong no doubt. This how people like u get flamed on lol... This title for the thread is a "flame" meaning everybody gone jump on ya hip lol. I thought black people don't like read manuals lol.
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