Metal Slug Anthology


WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2006
Well, for Xmas I'm either getting Red Steel or Metal Slug - that's what I've narrowed it down to. Problem is, metal slug doesn't come out for a few days and I need to decide what I want now. Can anyone point me in the way of some detailed previews of the game?
You ever played the originals?

Thats all it is, its all the games from the old arcade days. Except its suppose to have wii controls. I believe one of the reviewers from IGN talked about it. I'm definitely getting this game.
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xbandaidx said:
You ever played the originals?

Thats all it is, its all the games from the old arcade days. Except its suppose to have wii controls. I believe one of the reviewers from IGN talked about it. I'm definitely getting this game.
Yeah I know it's just a compilation of various metal slugs, but I just wanna see an in-depth re/preview for the game.
yeahh i reserved it cuz i love metal slug games but i have heard mixed reviews about it soo i dunno which one you should pick err well if you dont have zelda yet thats what you should DEF get lol
I'd imagine you can use the gamecube controller for it if you don't like the wiimote, but the Metal Slug games are hardcore. I loved them on Neogeo.
What I'd like to know is how you can give a classic game like that a review. It's a complete copy of the arcade games. Sure if you didn't really enjoy the arcade games much you would give it a bad review, but honestly who doesn't love fast paced massacre games?

Personally, I can't wait for Metal Slug. I'm buying it on release date, which seems to keep getting pushed back! *Anger!* At first I read Dec 1st, then 5th, and now it's at 14th. Hopefully it doesn't move back any further as we get closer!
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I'm not looking for a review for the game itself. I'm mainly just looking for how the controls play. If they suck, I might as well just download em all (sorry if that's not to be talked about on this forum X.X) And I have Zelda. Best game ever!!!!! Getting Red Steel soon and also have DBZ and Wii Sports. <3

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