Memory card problem


WiiChat Member
Apr 2, 2009
I recently lost all my saves on Zelda and had not backed them up on my SD card
I downloaded new Zelda saves from Wii save .com and put them in the folders specified and tranferd them to the card on my PC
but although they show on the card in the PC
they do not show up when plugged into the Wii itself
I have a 2gig card and the latest updates from wii
I can transfer from Wi imemory to card and back to Wii
but my new dowloads do not show on data screen?
are the folders properly labelled? as in buried in oddly named folders?
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folders named private,wii,title,and RZDE is that correct?
When I unwrap my copy of Zelda I'll be able to tell you (it's been on the shelf for 18 months so far :lol:) if the file structure is correct.

Did you create a save game slot by playing the game briefly first before trying to overwrite the data? Did you download the correct region save game (PAL or NTSC) because apparently this can cause problems?
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yes the game save i used RZDE wich is the US version
and I did save a short game in the wii memory and I noticed when I tried to move that save to card it said I could not transfer it Because i I already have a save under that name on the card ? but I cannot see a save in any of the boxes in the wii sd data menue
I am so confused

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