Megastrike blocking advantage on smaller screens

Lol. It is impossible for the size to be the same. The wii has no involvement in the image size. It simple sends out the signal. The TV is the the system that converts the image size according to the TV size. So either you have a broken TV or are mistaken. The only difference is the amount of movement you have to do to get from one side of the screen to the other.
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You're point is correct, but the pictures are not a proper representation. The ball is the same ratio to the screen size as with the larger screen, it doesn't stay the same size.
Have you tried this yourself? Try blocking megastrikes on a big screen and then do the same on a tiny screen. The difference is very obvious. Why would i be making a whole thread about it? I'm confuddled on why this would happen.

Mingus said:
Lol. It is impossible for the size to be the same. The wii has no involvement in the image size. It simple sends out the signal. The TV is the the system that converts the image size according to the TV size.

Yes, that was why i posted it. it's impossible yet it happened. When i first saw it on the smaller tv, i said WTF?!? the ball is so big while the screen background is so small.

mingus said:
So either you have a broken TV or are mistaken. The only difference is the amount of movement you have to do to get from one side of the screen to the other.

No, Tv's not broken. And yes, the amount of movement required to move from one of the screen to the other does make the matter worse, with a bigger ball to screen ratio and less space for the ball to appear in, easy as pie.
COLDshiver said:
Yes, that was why i posted it. it's impossible yet it happened. When i first saw it on the smaller tv, i said WTF?!? the ball is so big while the screen background is so small.

It's an illusion.

For that to happen for real would require the circuitry of the TV be redesigned in order to send the physical size of the screen over the video connector (which currently can only receive data, not send). Then the Wii would have to be redesigned to be able to read that incoming signal into the video circuitry (which currently can only send out video data, not receive). And good luck getting either of those things to work ever over an analog line! Then the programmers of the game would have to take that information and use it to rescale the ball image, but nothing else, to be the same size no matter what the physical size of the TV. And then the bigger question would be: Why would they want to do that in first place?
I can see how smaller tvs are easier to block mega strikes, but if you have a smaller tv vs a bigger tv wouldnt change the size of the ball. If that was true then if i had a pocket tv the ball would take the whole screen. Its more possible that smaller screen have less area to cover. Its that simple. it will just take longer to get from one side of the screen to the other side of the screen. For example duck hunt for the first nintendo is easier on a smaller screen then a 50 inch.
Evolve82 said:
I have got a modest 28" screen and find it easy! Didn't even realise there was a difference! I agree... small screen are now officially cool!!
I have a 27" and i play on my friends like 14" and i dont find a diffeerence:shocked:
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flight1991 said:
I have a 27" and i play on my friends like 14" and i dont find a diffeerence:shocked:

When you play on 2 different screens with drastically different screen sizes, it will be very apparent. I would like to post a real picture up but I don't have any tv smaller than 40 inches :/
Isn't there video settings on the Wii?

I, myself, don't have a Wii but my brother does and he brings it down everynow and then but if anyone has played a game like Pixeljunk Racers theres a setting right in the start menu. If not, then the Wii settings.

But no matter what, I suck... I can't keep that damn Wiimote steady lol
Well there's the breaks of having a bigger TV

tough cookie

I have a 33" widescreen btw
Skippy said:
Seriously guys, the Wii has no idea how big your TV is or if it's even connected to the TV in the first place...

Absolutely correct.
I understand you may be getting frustrated compensating for the difference in movement required for larger screens, but the idea that the ball is the same size on all screens is just totally ludicrous. I tend to use a 24 inch screen to play, and have no problem stopping Megastrikes. When I play on my parents' 72 inch screen, there's no greater difficulty, just a little more adjustment to be made. The incoming balls are absolutely, without a doubt scaled to size.
Just practice your Megastrike blocking with a friend, and you should eventually be able to block on an IMAX theatre screen!
i'm alright on megastrikes but then again i play on a 27".... that is kinda unfair that u can easily block them on small screens.... :sick:

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