maybe a change


Your Savior
Dec 23, 2007
Wii Online Code
I emailed nintendo about the whole friend codes deal and how it doesn't help the conolse, heres a copy of the email I sent them

Dkw0101 said:
Dear Nintendo,
I love your console and it's games I do however, would like to make one tiny suggestion. the online, I mean friend codes? c'mon no one can remember them if you have a friend in town and they are only in town for one one day and not allowed to come to your house and they say hey whats your wii code deal? you wouldn't be able to tell him because they are hard to remember. I suggest you sell just one game without friend codes and see how well it does with it's online, Or, if you don't want to do that, look at how well EA's Medal of Honor 2 Heroes is doing with online because it has no friends codes. again, just my suggestion. e-mail me back with a response if you like.

and this is my response
Nintendo said:
Hi there! Thank you for your feedback.

We have heard from various others like you letting us know how they felt regarding Nintendo's implementation of Friend Codes in the Wi-Fi Connection service for Wii. I want you to know that we appreciate your passion and concern. Let me assure you that your concerns have been heard and will be forwarded along. As always, keep an eye on our website ( for the latest developments in Wi-Fi gaming as they are made available.
Thank you again for taking the time to send us a message. Have fun with your games, and remember, the best play here!
Nintendo of America Inc.
Erika J. Valencia

does this mean they are aware of the friend codes and are fixing this? I know it sounds like an automated message but still, are they realizing that it may not be the best for online communication.
Well it could be polite, or it could be a recognition of the feelings of friend codes of some people (not including me. I'm fine with it).

If they did replace the friendcode system, what would that do to the online of current games? Would there be two seperate systems?

Personally, i was perturbed when I signed up for Medal Of Honour Heroes 2, simply because the name I wanted (and always use: Squall7) was already taken. If there was a designation system like that, I would want to be able to take the name that I choose. I mean, how many others would choose "Squall7" except me? Especially considering most games don't arrive here until they're well established in the US, which gives them a blinding head start with names.

But back on topic: They've got so many complaints, I think they will take notice. It's those big numbers that unfortunately make the difference.
Their secretaries who deal with these (and I assure you, they have offices full of these) just copy and paste a message as a reply. That's what you've received.
Dkw0101 said:
I emailed nintendo about the whole friend codes deal and how it doesn't help the conolse, heres a copy of the email I sent them

and this is my response

does this mean they are aware of the friend codes and are fixing this? I know it sounds like an automated message but still, are they realizing that it may not be the best for online communication.
Of course they are aware of it. No-one has stopped going on about it for over a year.

Also, that email they sent you looks like it is the same one they send everyone.

Google for Nintendo's response, they are mostly identical.
Yeah the messages probably are identical, but that doesn't mean they're not going to change it. I hope they do because it would make everything so much easier. I mean look at how well Xbox Live is. If they user gamer tags in every game and add a mic for free it will probably do just as well.
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well with new games atleast. EA would automatically work on MOHH3 if they added mics
nintendo would work on battalion wars 3
nintendo might also re-make brawl called brawl+
companies would just work and work on making new games right away.
261311 said:
Their secretaries who deal with these (and I assure you, they have offices full of these) just copy and paste a message as a reply. That's what you've received.

I will send an e-mail to nintendo about this and see what the response is.
Dkw0101 said:
well with new games atleast. EA would automatically work on MOHH3 if they added mics
nintendo would work on battalion wars 3
nintendo might also re-make brawl called brawl+
companies would just work and work on making new games right away.
They would not need to remake Brawl.

It has been stated that adding headset functionality to the Wii is within the capabilities of a software update.
If they just put a mic in with brawl packaged, they would practically have all gamers owning a wii with one, so thats not an issue. I think they should seriously consider the opinion of us gamers, because the wii has huge potential.

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