Master System and Game Gear games coming to VC!

sagema said:
Seriously where were you guys 10 years ago?! Barely anyone bought a 3do and Jaguar, and now we have people defending the failure consoles?! They had at most 3-5 games worth looking at, it's a debate if they were ever worth getting.

Just about every console had some sort of good game on it. That doesn't mean it was worth what they were charging for the console plus the price of the game. The Jaguar in particular was a great deal when they had the fire sale of $40 per console and $10 - $15 per game but by that time the console was already doomed. For $80 you could get one of the best Raiden ports ever, Alien vs. Predator, Tempest 2000, and Cybermorph and the console to play them all on. But $250 plus $50 per game for that console was a rip off. Likewise, the Virtual Boy Tennis was a nice $40 distraction but a terrible $180 system. Plenty of consoles fail but have games worth playing on them.

And don't even get me started on the Saturn. Some of the best games of that era will never get played by a lot of people because of the Saturn's low sales. (Radiant Silvergun, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Legend of Oasis, the Saturn (read playable) versions of Marvel Super Heroes and X-Men: Children of the Atom and the almighty Saturn Bomberman immediately come to mind).

Personally, I'd rather have some gaming gems I've never played before that were victims of a shoddy console than the games I've already played a million times over. That's a big reason why the only VC game we have right now is Super Mario World. My wife never got the chance to play it much growing up since her family had a Genesis.
I feel like Im taking crazy pills or something.......

here is what an update in 5 months will look like. Cant Wait. We are never going to get anywhere.

Alf: Sega Master System
Altered Beast: Game Gear

can I please get some form of Double Dragon before we go off the deep end with Neptune games, or Sewer Shark.

*my quaint voice falls on def ears
Conan the Librarian said:
I feel like Im taking crazy pills or something.......

here is what an update in 5 months will look like. Cant Wait. We are never going to get anywhere.

Alf: Sega Master System
Altered Beast: Game Gear

can I please get some form of Double Dragon before we go off the deep end with Neptune games, or Sewer Shark.

*my quaint voice falls on def ears

Sweet update! I would buy Alf for sure!
We tried Conan. We tried. At least SSBB will come out soon. Not enough people follow the Angry Video Game Nerd. If they did, they'd know the difference.
I have Jury Duty this monday, so I wont be able to play Alf until late that night......:mad5:

the guy a few posts above thinks that because systems were "too" expensive, they should all be released on Nintendo just the dirty prostitute of gaming? now this has turned into my Wii functioning as a Vector for EVERY PIECE OF SHITTY SOFTWARE EVER WRITTEN?

well, I hope you ****ers dont get your alf game, or your game gear sonic, because I HOPE MY TSI GOLD AND SILVER EDITION, AD&D FORGOTTEN REALMS SERIES IS RELEASED.....THATS RIGHT.........THATS HOW THE BIG BOYS DID IT IN 1987 BABY..........POOLS OF RADIANCE.....CURSE OF THE AZURE BONDS.......SECRET OF THE SILVER BLADES.........POOLS OF DARKNESS......EYE OF THE BEHOLDER 1, 2, &3, GATEWAY TO THE SAVAGE FRONTIER.........each will provide you with years of, how does it feel???? YOU WILL ALL PROBABLY HATE THESE GAMES.....but I dont care, because I played them and since computers were so expensive back then.....LOLOLOLOL.....YES, YOU WILL ALL PLAY MY DISSAPOINTING CHILDHOOD GAMES!!!!!!


*summons the devil.........a sword melee erupts
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Conan the Librarian said:
the guy a few posts above thinks that because systems were "too" expensive, they should all be released on Nintendo just the dirty prostitute of gaming?
YES now this has turned into my Wii functioning as a Vector for EVERY PIECE OF SHITTY SOFTWARE EVER WRITTEN?

Where not getin the vast amount of PSone/2/3, xbox crap
Lol nice post Darkprinny! That's right, the PS1-2 made more sh!tty games than all consoles in existence combined. If the PS3 fails I hope Nintendo's next gen console doesn't get VC rights to those games. God help us all if they do. Because we won't get Final Fantasy 7, we'll get... Independance Day the game!
sagema said:
Seriously where were you guys 10 years ago?! Barely anyone bought a 3do and Jaguar, and now we have people defending the failure consoles?! They had at most 3-5 games worth looking at, it's a debate if they were ever worth getting.

Here's how I remember half of my childhood...
I've always wanted to play 2 Atari Jaguire games. Aliens vs Predator and Tempest 2000.

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sagema said:
Lol nice post Darkprinny! That's right, the PS1-2 made more sh!tty games than all consoles in existence combined. If the PS3 fails I hope Nintendo's next gen console doesn't get VC rights to those games. God help us all if they do. Because we won't get Final Fantasy 7, we'll get... Independance Day the game!

Ironically, the PS1/2 also had more good games than the other consoles.
Frog said:
I've always wanted to play 2 Atari Jaguire games. Aliens vs Predator and Tempest 2000.


What is this Jaguire ?

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