Master graphic artist please!

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Apr 22, 2007
Hey im looking for someone who is REALLY good a graphics and sigs. I have this sig and i need to put a userbar on it, i have asked a few people that have had trouble doing it. Please be very good at this stuff, and good with small sigs. PM for details, very small add on but apprarently its much harder then it looks. Just a smallsig and i need a flashing userbar. PLEASE PM ME OR POST!
Dude...... I'm sure every graphics person has seen one of your requests... NO ONE wants to take it up. Stop making new threads everywhere. Go to's forum or something. Just stop spamming the crap outta this place. Your soon to overtake the pokemon people.
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3 threads, all bin bumped down. I know someone can do this. Im not spaming this is the off-topic "louge" board. Please don't lecture and mini-mod me. BTW you just spamed and semi-flamed yourself. ;)
"all bin bumped down" wtf is this?

Dang, bumping your old threads are better than starting new ones. Have you tried the shop yet?
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