My review of Strikers


WiiChat Member
Jul 29, 2007
Wii Online Code
After playing the game for 3 days, heres what I think of strikers.

I'm impressed how good the game looks on the Wii. I'm using componet cables on my HD.Its not jaggy like other Wii games using componet cables.

Playing in the rookie cup (Fire Cup) I was getting bored because how easy it was. I could get my Super shot off plenty of times and out score the computer 12-0. I decided to turn on extreme. I had my ass handed to me. The computer is very good on extreme. I went back to normal and proceeded to the Crystal cup. It was hard at first. I came to the conclusion that I needed to create a better team.

I exited and was dissapointed to find out you can't Resume from the Crystal cup with a new team. You have to start a new career all over again. Its also dissapointing that you can only have one team playing Strikers Cup at any one time. No multible saves. When my girlfriend wanted to start a new team with Princess Daisy, I had to delete my team.

I think Nintendo could have been a little more creative with the wii mote.
I imagined flicking the wii mote up to kick and using the nunchuck to pass. Instead the wiimote attacks and the nunchuck is used for using powerups.

My overall opnion is that its a fun game and will be great online. I do not have my DSL at the moment so I wasn't able to test the online play.
You could describe the graphics in a bit more detail as well as the controls. You could also describe all the game modes, the pros and cons of some of the characters and give it a score.

Then again this isn't IGN or Gamespot so I suppose we don't have to be professional.

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