Mario Strikers Charged better than I thought!


SSBB 0688-4932-4039 BAM-
Dec 12, 2007
Wii Online Code
I got Mario galaxy and strikers charged for christmas and I have played an equal amount of both! Maybe just a little more galaxy but not by much...
I won my first online game by 1 point, a amazingly intense game where my opponent got a 6 ball super fast charged shot, I blocked them all! SHUTOUT! I just wish there was some kind of mic. to bad... Great game!
Yep, the lack of a mic is a disappointment, but the game still is great! Glad to see you're enjoying it.
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it really is a great game....... I love the ranking system and the leaderboard...... something SSBB needs badly... not just a friend leaderboard.... stupid move by Nintendo... :mad5:

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