Mario Party 8?


WiiChat Member
Feb 10, 2007
Im just curious, Mario Party 8 and Zelda were one of the few games that made me say, "Im going to get the Wii no matter what the reviews say about it," but i was jsut wondering wether anybody knew when the release date for Mario Party 8 was?

It has probably been posted in another thread somewhere but i hate looking through all the threads that nobody has posted in for a week or more.

Thanks for the help
Its March 5th according to Nintendo's own website. Go look it if you don't believe me. I'm very excited for this game. Should be lots of fun.
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Thanks, btw i like what you have done with the Tri-Froce in you sig, very nice
lmao i didnt know when mario party 8 was coming out. i wnet into eb games and i saw like 5 boxes with the box art on it and i went to the cashier dude and he said thats just for display.

they did the same thing with the wii box, gets me so angry becuase i get excited.
At our gamestop they have like 5 Wii boxes... :mad5:

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