Mario Party 8 UK - PULLED

Anyway, back on topic..

Lol you're right Napalmbrain with Friday 13th :lol:

Meh I'd like to get this, not that I can afford it anyway but yeah, so anyone know what this problem is like? What does the disk do when you put it in I mean sorta thing..
I'm keeping mine got assured this was the only problem. Thought it was somethin major. Quite funny!
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basically nothing happens.. the game plays fine.. we picked ours up friday morning before it was pulled and won't be returning it.. not just for one word.. the only down side to the game is when you're playing a board, mini game etc, it changes from widescreen to 4:3 but they're not planning on changing this so just gonna have to put up with it.

so they cleared the shelves yesterday morning/afternoon and haven't said when they plan to re-release it..
Star Striker said:
Spastic UK = Someone who is a bit "nerrrmmumr"

A once popular putdown in the playgrounds.

That's silly. When I was a kid I use to just call people "british" if I wanted to make fun of them!
Is it possible that this can be construed as offensive due to the mention of tragic train ticket. The terrorist attack on the british railway system that killed 50 + people may be very fresh in some peoples minds.... mmm I don't know just another theory. When the towers went down on 09-11-01 some movies delayed there openings to change scenes that involved the towers or story lines which involved terrorist actions. Maybe this a similar response.
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shadowrunner said:
Is it possible that this can be construed as offensive due to the mention of tragic train ticket. The terrorist attack on the british railway system that killed 50 + people may be very fresh in some peoples minds.... mmm I don't know just another theory. When the towers went down on 09-11-01 some movies delayed there openings to change scenes that involved the towers or story lines which involved terrorist actions. Maybe this a similar response.

No, it's the word Spastic. If you actually read the other posts you would see how almo pointed out that the wikipedia page I posted talks about another game that was recalled for the same word.
thats dumb ppl cant play it in the uk because of this????:wtf: [im american] jesus slowly our freedoms as human beings r dissapearing what a shame
shadowrunner said:
Is it possible that this can be construed as offensive due to the mention of tragic train ticket. The terrorist attack on the british railway system that killed 50 + people may be very fresh in some peoples minds.... mmm I don't know just another theory. When the towers went down on 09-11-01 some movies delayed there openings to change scenes that involved the towers or story lines which involved terrorist actions. Maybe this a similar response.
i was like how r those words offensive then i thought exactly what u were thinking
gunsnroses said:
thats dumb ppl cant play it in the uk because of this????:wtf: [im american] jesus slowly our freedoms as human beings r dissapearing what a shame

You can play it.

They just had to recall them because some of the copies weren't changed like they were suppose to have been.

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