Mario Party 8 Mini Games

How are you finding the game? IGN's review was really harsh on it, gave it 5.5 I think.
I just picked it up yesterday and I think it's decent. Like IGN, Gamespot was pretty hard on it. The wiimote makes the game though. Even though it's much like the old ones, it's still fun when there are guests over and the fiancee enjoys playing it. Now there are two games, the other being wii sports, that she will play with me. :)
i like the game a lot, its definitely a lot of fun to play with a group of people, and as for ign and gamespot, they're biased, and not open to this style of game, personally i think they are worthless half the time on their reviews, sometimes their reviews coincide with what i think, but not often
A lot of reviews are knocking it because it is just like the other 7. I am new to the world of Nintendo and I have never played a Mario Party.

Since I have never played a Mario Party would you recommend this game for me?

Also, people complain about the graphics, from the screenshots, they look bright, bold and colourful - similar to Wii Sports. Is this right, any thoughts?
It's not bad. I was disappointed in it though because I guess I was expecting something new. Many minigames use "traditional" controls and don't take advantage of the wiimote and those that do are boring and uninspired for the most part. Not a bad game, but it could have been almost just as good on the game cube. Come on Nintendo, get with it.

Although I don't understand why people need to unlock minigames? Just play the regular party mode and you will unlock the games as you play them with your friends. You don't need to unlock them first, then play the games with your friends unless you are doing the minigame-only mode.
I've got a copy right now, rented it. Me and a friend played for a few minutes yesterday..I wasn't impressed. Then again, I've hated the last 3 or 4 Mario Party games, so there ya go.
downinit said:
I just bought the game last night. I planned to have some people over tonight, and was hoping we could play. Is there a way to unlock all the mini-games without having to go through the game?

Finally I was wondering if I was the only one who was annoyed that my $50 did not give me the honor of playing what I want. I play the game with my daughter so we have unlocked several but there are several I have seen (The Lassos for one) That I have not unlocked yet and I want to try.
Wiily Good said:
A lot of reviews are knocking it because it is just like the other 7. I am new to the world of Nintendo and I have never played a Mario Party.

Since I have never played a Mario Party would you recommend this game for me?

Also, people complain about the graphics, from the screenshots, they look bright, bold and colourful - similar to Wii Sports. Is this right, any thoughts?

From somone who is new to Nintendo and the WII I have not played the Mario Party's before. I enjoy the game and with the Board Game style you can play it over and over.
Only annoying thing is you can not go directly to play the minigames. As you play the board game you will unlock them slowly.
It has been that way for all of the mario party games though, having to play the boards to unlock them. Kind of annoying, but then it makes you play the different boards to see what they have to offer.
usually i hate playing the board games, as they're just boring and too easy... but I actually find the hotel tycoon board really fun. By far the most competitive board out of them all. my friends and i had a blast playing that board

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