Mario Party 8 best-seller

I just read the review of this game. It didnt great score. But people i know reckon its pretty good.
Make a decision for yourself, don't rely on those gaming sites. They rated it based on what they expected from it after the first seven.
blueovalboy7 said:
Make a decision for yourself, don't rely on those gaming sites. They rated it based on what they expected from it after the first seven.
Well iv never played a mario party so it will be a new experience for me i will give it ago mate.
That's the best perspective to be playing this game from, you don't have any expectations, so I think you will enjoy yourself.
vtrider159 said:
I'm thinking of putting my copy up for sale, after playing it briefly, I think I'll pss on it.

The game was included with my Wii.


How much of Mario Party 8 have you played?

Have you played against Bowser Yet? It's a tough mini-game but win-able. And if you play it a second time, you'll open up the second locked character.

Well, for me with no experience playing with Video Game Consoles since my ColecoVision - yes that long ago, I love the Wii.

And MP8 has all the moves to help me learn how to use the controller. That's why I think its so great.

Now I've been playing videogames on my PC since then, but nothing ever came as close to a console.

The game seems childish to me for reasons, I guess it's just me. I also am not much of a gamer either, I am comming from a PS2 and before that Sega Master system in the 80's....

Your point about using the controller and learning it is true of the game though, it gives the controller another purpose other than using it in wii sports.
its only fun in multiplayer, playing alone would be really boring, its a bit childish for me too, but i havent played a mario party since 4, and i've gotten alot older since!
Wow! That many copies, huh? Great for the Wiiii. X3

I want to rent it. <3 It's probably just a test-out though. I hope I see a number 9, because I'm sure then they'll know just what to do with it. With all the games I wanna get, though, I can't spare a single penny. @_@

@pic posted by Attacktix: Mario's Parties go on forever. You can't leave. o_O!
lol....i love it, especially playing it with friends..... ;)

*it's true that it gets a bit boring when playing alone.....but it's very nice and entertaining game!!!!!!!
I walked by ashop window one day and saw it, I had considered it, but people had mixed reviews. I'd just been paid £30 and had a couple of quid on me already so I went and bought it. Although, I should've bought a coat, now I have to battle against winter for another week.

Single player mode isn't painful at all, it's frustrating when you lose because it's so much time you have to restart again but they've thought of new ways to make it less painful for you. Turns go much quicker with only two characters, but it does get God damn annoying with Hammer Bro stepping on a thousand ? spaces when you just got close to him.

There's not very many minigames but they range from different skill levels, there's just some I can't do and some that are a complete breeze. When it's multiplayer that's where it can get very competitive. But, there's too many games of luck, and this can be drastically dtermined whoever has the most battery life in their Wiimote.

Everyone's complaining about the graphics but I don't mind if they're GameCube standard, it's not like they're trying to go in over their heads like with new games. This game has graphical capabilities that know their limits and I like that, the scenery is still pretty. Awh. I love the design of the courses, especially the train.

Why isn't Donkey Kong a playable character any more? I thought he'd come back but no. I want him back, DK spaces seem corny, they did in the other game, they did in this game. Bowser spaces are all that's needed for me.

Cracking game, worth a buy but it sometimes depends on how much patience you have.
Revan said:
Who buys this crud! 6.5 from Gamespot and 5.20 from IGN. I have played all the games in the series and this is the worst yet. Here's why:

1. Most of the games don't even use the Wii Remote's motion sensing capabilites, you use it gamepad style most of the time.

2. The Graphics are worse than Mario Party 6 and 7.

3. The Game runs in 4:3 instead of 16:9.

4. The Motion Sensing controls feel tacked on.

5. Single player is ''torture''. IGN

6. All that matters is luck.

7. The boards are tiny compared to previous boards on other Mario Party Titles.

8. You can tell it was developed for the Gamecube previously, and unlike Paper Mario it was changed to the Wii horribly.

9. No online, which is sad since Nintendo is screaming at us to play with others on this game.

I agree... But.. I didn't think anyone payed attention to Reviews from Gamespot, Ign, etc.. Well.. I didn't think it would stop people buying a game anyway..
we bought this game for our son and its turned in to a family favorite......

me, wife, son (5 yrs) and my brother play all of the time.....

Great game for kids and adults
I have Mario Party 8 as well. The main concerns that I have that I have is that The boards are miniature and the graphics are dreadful. I also said to myself to that it was probably for gamecube, but Mario Party 1, 2, and 3 were for N64 ( gooooood times) and 4, 5, 6, and 7 were for Gamecube. I don;t think it wouldn't be fair to ancient N64 if Cube had 5 mario Party's and N64only got three. The poor old deserted console would be so depressed.
i hear its a preety bad game, too easy. plus i have heard that 1 player mode is crap

Yea, its a terrible game. I thought the first 4 were excellent. after 5 I stoped playing them because they got really boring. mario party 5, 6, 7, and 8 were all lame. They should put better mini games in the next mario party game. They should have much more than 5 boards too! Isn't the wii supposed to be more advanced than the 64 and gamecube? the original mario party had more features in it then mario party 8 did. Sorry but nintendo better improve on games or im going to be a xbox fan again!

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