Mario kart

do u play a lot

i only hav a few spots left so the only way i'll add some1 is if they play it a lot, or more thn 3 times a week.
i use hacks, growing shells, diff shells, (stars, mushrooms last 4 ever) its fun, better thn playin regularly, & i play every day, i can put hack in that every lap counts for 2, & stay with u & help u out, id finish whn u get on 3rd lap, so it's all u for the last lap, BUT thats only if i use that hack, i also got 1 that lets me drive faster thn the bullet.
its fun playin wit me
Please add me!!!!! I have 0 mario kart wii friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My code is 3610-6895-8675!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please please please please add me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello people

i hav 2 delete people 2 add any1 BUT they friends i hav dont play anymore so its cool, leave me message if u want 2 b friends, u can only hav lik 10 mariokart friends so i cant add every1, plus i use hacks to change the race to a LOT funner, if u like mariokart thn u cant go on playin it without playin with me the way i make it
OOO, & i kinda hav a hack that i can control every1 SOOOOOOO :p
yaa i can make u win everytime, even if u didnt want to i could make u
HEY MAN i already added you dude
i got your msg on the wii msg board but i dont if your fc is the same as the one here

cuz you still appear as a check mark the clan I'm in plays mkwii join us!
Add me, 1162-6308-1658 anyone can add! I've added alexwii3 and deadheart.
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