Mario Kart Wii


mii love wii
Feb 13, 2007
Wii Online Code
has a Mario Kart game for the Wii been introduced even slightly yet? in my mind Mario Kart 64 and Double Dash were truly amazing games. Nintendo does have a future for Mario Kart on the Wii right?
Well, there was one on the SNES, one on the N64, one on the Gamecube, one on the GBA and one on the DS. I think we should expect one on the wii too. It's just a matter of when rather than if.
playing mario kart online is such a headache unless you play against your friends...people always quit when they know they're gonna lose, which is really frustrating..
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^^^how do you set up Double Dash online? what do you need to buy?
I'm sure they will fix online like if someone drops out they are replaced by a computer and it still counts as a win
Mario kart has been on loads of nintendo* consoles so we could expect it on the wii i suppose but if you think about ninty have been busy with other things. New channels, the new super smash bros, zelda (i heard that they are half way through the next proper zelda game),sonic and mario at the olympics, super mario galexy etc. It looks like the wii is gonna be around a long time so there is plenty of time to get a new mario kart! (with online play not out yet im guessing they have been waiting to get online working before they go and create some old favs)
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Cpt.McLoud said:
Mario kart has been on laods of wii consoles so we could expect it on the wii i suppose but if you think about ninty have been busy with other things. New channels, the new super smash bros, zelda (i heard that they are half way through the next proper zelda game),sonic and mario at the olympics, super mario galexy etc. It looks like the wii is gonna be around a long time so there is plenty of time to get a new mario kart! (with online play not out yet im guessing they have been waiting to get online working before they go and create some old favs)

you mean Nintendo.. :)
Eddienoteddy said:
has a Mario Kart game for the Wii been introduced even slightly yet? in my mind Mario Kart 64 and Double Dash were truly amazing games. Nintendo does have a future for Mario Kart on the Wii right?
They have to make 1 for the wii or there is no point for other racing games for nintendo.:confused: :scared: :shifty:
Some worker at some company that makes the Mario K titles nearly confirmed a MKWii title.

"We have done Mario kart for evrey other Nintendo console, why not the Wii?"
anders339 said:
Some worker at some company that makes the Mario K titles nearly confirmed a MKWii title.

"We have done Mario kart for evrey other Nintendo console, why not the Wii?"

yeah i read that somewhere...

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