Mario Kart Wii Update

sagema said:
Nintendo announced the wheel will come with the game with no additional charges, like Wiiplay. This was talked about at E3 2007. The release date is also wrong. Nintendo hinted at a Spring release. I think Gamestop just wants some extra cash. Only time will tell. Both the price and date are currently unofficial.

So you really think those 9 games on wii play are worth 50 bucks?
blueovalboy7 said:
It isn't that bad of a price, and where are you getting $20 from, most wii games sell for $49.99 new, not $39.99. QUOTE]

That's exactly what I was going to say! I think Nintendo is trying to get us to think that the wheel comes free with the game, but we're going to be paying 10 bucks for that wheel!
tababywii said:
I think Nintendo is trying to get us to think that the wheel comes free with the game, but we're going to be paying 10 bucks for that wheel!

Nintendo has not even announced a price yet for the game, so I don't know what you're complaining about.
manufan15 said:
Oh yeah true. I got confused sorry. And LevesqueKing, I was just informing you that gamestop has a hunch that it might sell for $60. There is no reason to close it, and you have no proof that it won't sell for $60, unless you work for nintendo. (Which I highly doubt.)

Actually Nintendo already said that none of their games will exceed 50 dollars... That doesn't include games with extra peripherals.
Barnzy02 said:
So you really think those 9 games on wii play are worth 50 bucks?
So you really think that the Wii-Remote came packaged free?

LevesqueIsKing said:
So you really think that the Wii-Remote came packaged free?

so which is it...50 bucks for 9 games (Wiiplay) + free Wiimote
50 bucks for a Wiimote + Free Wiiplay (9 games)

if you Need another Wiimote the Extra what... 10 bucks for Wiiplay (9 games) not bad...

I got 4 Wiimotes already...I got Wiiplay used for 12$ ebay

game on
Essentially you're paying $40 for the remote and $10 for the 9 minigames, because there is no way WiiPlay would sell for $50 as a standalone game.
This thread is messing with my emotions. I got hyped up when i saw Mario Kart is coming out on January 2nd, and Levesque stomped on that parade quick...
Well that's what happens when the idiots at EBgames and Gamestop put unofficial dates for upcoming games on their websites.
Mako said:
This thread is messing with my emotions. I got hyped up when i saw Mario Kart is coming out on January 2nd, and Levesque stomped on that parade quick...
It will be released in the Spring, that is all we know at this point. Expect news on its release around the first of the year.
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ericlewis91 said:
this is not coming people

You don't think Mario Kart Wii will be released at all?? I think that's highly doubtful, considering they have already confirmed that it is in fact, a game.

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