Mario Kart Wii, Unconfirmed Release Date

Ok so, I was just in my local GS store and reserving my copy of brawl and I asked about mario kart Wii, the clerk told me that it was set for April 1, with a price tag of $49.99 US. Of course all this info is coming from Gamestop's published released list so take it for what it's worth. We all know they are notorious for bogus release dates, but at least it's something.
Yeah, I have heard the first, 10th etc.
At least we can assume it will be out in April, makes sense.
one month after brawl? seems kinda wierd for nintendo to do something like that. i guess they are putting the good games out their before the summer drought.
Shion said:
MK was already supposed to be out new years day, it is not weird for nintendo do do this^^^

Well that date of January 1st was more of a place holder, an assumption.
They would be better off brining this out around Christmas, to give themselves a "holiday hit", as nothing else announced so far seems to fit the bill.
CantGetAWii said:
Well that date of January 1st was more of a place holder, an assumption.
They would be better off brining this out around Christmas, to give themselves a "holiday hit", as nothing else announced so far seems to fit the bill.

i guess so then.
No wonder you have +5000 posts... triple post? :p

Meh, I won't hold my breath. Despite the fact that this is the game I've been waiting for I don't want to count down and mark calendars. We'll only be more disappointed by slow moving time and delayed dates.
if the date holds, that means they have perfected the wifi and gaming capabilities that this game has to offer.

not to mention the glitches and bugs be removed like in brawl.
Wow, stop talking about his triple post. It was probably just a computer freeze. It's no big deal.

Anyway, I've also heard April 2, so I don't know who to believe.
I guess we'll have to wait for the next issue of NP to come out. This month's issue says next month's is gonna have a bunch of info on it.

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