Mario Kart Wii News


Super Ninjarator
Apr 4, 2007
Wii Online Code

More news from Nintendo's Fall Conference, this time about Mario Kart for the Wii. For starters, it has a tentative release date of Spring 2008. Which again is a little later than planned, original estimates slotting it in at Q1 2008. So, bad news. And again, it's cancelled out by good news, Nintendo announcing the game's going to feature bikes for the first time. How is that good when it could end up being a complete disaster? Because it's something NEW for a Mario Kart game, which we haven't seen in a while, and that's good enough for me.

Sick of me yet?


Yes more news from todays press conference held by our very own Nintendo. This time it is about something new to our precious Mario Kart franchise played by generation after generation. Now some of us like the mario kart formula as it was but the wii version looks to keep the series to its roots but also flip it upside down. Motion sensing, Online gameplay, new characters and bike, you heard me right, bikes!

Following the likes of Project Gotham Racing 4 bikes will be added to our ever popular racing franchise. Now for those who remember back to Mario Kart DS, there was a bike like kart in that, does this mean that the new bikes will actuly look like bikes rather then that odd looking ROB racer.

I am looking forward to seeing some images on this, it would be cool to see them so bare with me, I will keep an eye out for any new updates of this.

Did I forget to mention that this is another game which has been delayed?

Ninty shower us with all this good stuff just to hide the delays it seems, worth it?

Yeah, the concept of bikes being introduced is definitely making me excited. I personally think that it will bring a lot of variety to the game. Anyway, thanks for keeping us updated Foxy. :)
Haha I have an inside joke about bikes. No one except 2 people would understand. Nice find!
Nice, bikes would be a nice change of pace. Looking forward to this game :)

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