Mario Kart Double Dash on Gamecube


WiiChat Member
May 5, 2007

I am thinking of buying Mario Kart Double Dash for my Wii. As it is a Gamecube game, do I have to use the Gamecube controllers in order to play it or can I just use the classic controllers for wii?


To use it you will need a gamecube controller and a gamecube memory card.

Good Luck, you made the right choice with double dash, great game!
if i helped press the mushroom near the bottom of my post!
Hey there welcome to wiichat and enjoy your stay.
GC games can only be played using a GC controller. VC games however can be played using both a GC or a Classic controller.
your gonna need a gamecub controller an memory card. good choice of game btw.
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cheers for the help guys!

Not sure about buying game now though. I saw game in HMV for £40 but if I have to buy controllers and memory card too, that gonna set me back quite a bit. Would only be using the GC controllers for Mario Kart too.

Might see if I can get hold of the game cheaper elsewhere.

Cant get enough of Mario Kart64. Can play that game forever :D
Maybe you could try eBay. They usually have cheap old games!

And I should look into more gamecube controllers... I have only one working one.. [end useless post]
Yeah, Nintendo is going crazy with this game, it has been around for over two years,and they still have it for 50-40 dollars at stores. Get it on E-bay along with some GC Controllers and a Memory card, if you do not already have them,....
Guess, this is getting pretty popular. I didn't think this game's history would last long (and still be fantastic).

Just backing up information:

-You need 1-4 controllers for single and multiplayer
-You need 1 GC Memory Card (about $15-20 USD)

Those items are not very expensive so you'll be fine. I sold my copy, but I had it for a year...and I had a ton of fun with the game. the creativity and action is awesome. Happy Gaming.
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gonna have a look on ebay.

Can you also use the GC wireless controllers with the wii?
Cpt.McCloud said:
To use it you will need a gamecube controller and a gamecube memory card.

Good Luck, you made the right choice with double dash, great game!
if i helped press the mushroom near the bottom of my post!
you do realize he will give you a grey rep block right? xD
yes but its the thought that counts:lol:

any rep is good rep:D

apart from that nasty red block, bahh its a evil i tell ya!

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