Guys who have girlfriends

Did she ever play the old sonic on the sega genesis? If so, she'd like the sonic mega collection for gamecube. It has a lot of old stuff on it. I've also been told that Super Mario Sunshine & Luigi's Mansion is good too. I'm not sure about the wii games. I only have a couple so far. :sad:
Lethal said:
My wife and I play Wii Play, Wii Sports and soon Mario Party 8. Thats really the only games the Wii has to offer thats worth a damn anyways. Besides Zelda.

Sonic, SSX Blur? What about these Titles, Red Steel is fun too [Though probally not one for a girlfriend]
Lethal said:
My wife and I play Wii Play, Wii Sports and soon Mario Party 8. Thats really the only games the Wii has to offer thats worth a damn anyways. Besides Zelda.
Are you English or retarded?
Well I'm a girl and my boyfriend has wii play and we're sorta obsessed with it if this helps (we're too competative lol)
I'll throw one out there for Rayman, although she always kicks my butt in it. She gave up on Blur after about 13 seconds.
I am a girl and for the Wii I love Zelda and Sonic and the Secret Rings and I can't wait for Prince of Persia and the next Resident Evil game.
For the GC I love playing Mario Kart, Eternal Darkness, Soul Calibre 2, Gun, Zelda Wind Waker and OoT but my all time favourite game is Resident Evil 4, its also my boyfriends favourite too.

I think it depends whether she likes girly cute games or is a bit mad like me and just loves shooting things with big guns :)
My girl is actually starting to become a gamer. She's addicted to her DS and everytime she's over she wants to box on Wii sports. Just got Wii play and she's hooked. Love's Warrio Ware. Big fan of Rayman. Still haven't had her play Elebits, but I think that would work for anyone!
Mine likes Wii Sports, that's about it...though she hasn't tried many other games besides Wii Sports. She says she likes the "remote controller" because the old controllers (A.K.A. the ones PS3 and 360 still use) make her feel like a nerd holding them and playing for endless hours. xD She doesn't like the fighting games, but stuff like Wii Sports she enjoys. :)
My GF and I were playing Wii SPorts for a while together.. now we'r bored and I need another "group" game.
well im a girl but i play the "manly games" too.

have her play one of the race car games or wii sports i guess? she might like monkey ball if shes a younge girl for the "cutesy graphics".

as for VC games, anything mario oriented will do i guess.

if she REALLY hates all the games then you have one last option, have her color pictures on the photo channel lol or dump her ;)

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