Mario Galaxy Screenshots And Discussion

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CantGetAWii said:
Hence my post taking note of your bandwaggonness.

im not gonna lie, i am hitching a ride on the bandwagon, thats what my post stated, why did you have to bring it up again? jeez
The screen-shots look amazing. The game screens seem to look better and better with each new thread. Thanks for the info.
anyone know approximately (from an interview or something) how long this game will be hopfully it wil be around the sam length as zelda..
or anyone that has played mario 64 tell me how long that was? and what the replay value was like.
i wonder what review it will get on ign, ime guessing a 9.6/9.7
....wiiiiiii..... said:
anyone know approximately (from an interview or something) how long this game will be hopfully it wil be around the sam length as zelda..
or anyone that has played mario 64 tell me how long that was? and what the replay value was like.
i wonder what review it will get on ign, ime guessing a 9.6/9.7

There's 120 stars to collect. There's six themed areas and 40 galaxies according to IGN. There will be some replay value because of you don't need to collect all 120 stars to face Bowser for the last fight.
been looking forward to this game since I read the very very first description of it.
By the way, have picked up Luigi's mansion in shop several times and put it back on the shelf again, is it a good game, worth spending money on????
Probably a dumb question but looking at your sig zapasant, is metal gear coming to the wii?

Luigi's Mansion is definantly worth the $20 or $10 whatever it is now. It's a great game, just too short but without a doubt worth $20 or $10.
Ok, all ive seen in the past was Mario flying around in a stupid bee costume looking stupid.... the pic you guys have make me want this game sooo much ! They totally changed my perspective on this game thanks !
Sillyhat said:
There's 120 stars to collect. There's six themed areas and 40 galaxies according to IGN. There will be some replay value because of you don't need to collect all 120 stars to face Bowser for the last fight.
sorry for being a bit of a noob but how long do you think it will take approximately to get 1 star :p, i have never played a mario exclusive game.
thanks heaps for the info btw.
i wonder if you will be able to go under water like in zelda TP, judging from the second screen shot i think you can. and apparently this game is supposed to have better graphics than brawl, i heard (read) ign say it (not that graphics matter >_>
....wiiiiiii..... said:
sorry for being a bit of a noob but how long do you think it will take approximately to get 1 star :p, i have never played a mario exclusive game.

Each star generally takes a different amount of time. Some are incredibly hard to get, where as some are fairly easy. As for overall length, I think you can saftely say that this game will be of similar length to a Zelda. Why not dowload Super Mario 64 from the VC? That will give you a taste of what to expect.
i got robbed about 3 weeks ago week and its taking a while for my wii to get back by home insurance, but when it does BAM, ime getting super mario 64.
thanks for the info eagles (rep)
i love it. one of the things i love best about the mario series is that a lot of the games are set in the daytime, with beautiful surroundings. i love games like those, where you feel happy and you want to explore everything around you. i'm not into dark, death-filled games (or movies for that matter), so galaxies is definitely a must-buy.


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