Mario Galaxy controls

Am I missing something? To me the controls look amazingly easy, you run around with the analogue stick and jump with another button...anything I've missed? Maybe thump atack using jump + another button. Can you even GET much simpler than that? :confused:
I think that if random newreporters on games can get the feel of wii's like in 10seconds, it will take us like........ half a millisecond! :lol: yeah the only move that ive seen in a video is that when u shake the controller he spins and your supposed to spin under these star things which make u shoot off onto different planets/rocks
this looks like a really fun game to play, who cares if it is easy or difficult it just looks fun :D
Don't worry, were all experienced and now the Wii will come out, the 2 sided 1 handed controller, one on one hand and the one on the other, very EXPERIENCED!:yesnod:
And why don't we not bring and 5 month old thread back to life...sounds like a good idea to me
ye i agree with octogon

the controlls look ok but one thing is...if you are fighting someone or something and you sneeze for an exapmle
then because its all motioned wouldnt your character do something you didnt want him to do like say jump off an edge ? ( hope you got that )