make up your porn alter ego


Mar 18, 2007
okay so, you make up your porn star name, pretty simple. you can use the name of first pet and name of street you grew up on thing if you want or you can just make it up. have fun!

mine is

pet and street one: max ridgeview

made up: dixie lee boots (im a man lol)
Beeeeen done by yours truly.

Try searching next time.

Ohh and it's you're first pets name and you're mothers maiden name :p
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not where i live. and GOD DAMNIT I THOUGHT I WAS SO ORIGINAL WITH THIS. oh well... geuss this one will just start up.
Jake and street
Simon Just...First pet and maiden
Lucky Hardnipps..made up, haha
pet + first street i lived in:
Buster Frairy (Street)

pet + 2nd street:
Buster Truro (Close)

pet + 3rd street:
Buster Stonelea

pet + maiden name:
Buster Johnson
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