
WiiChat Member
Feb 26, 2008
Nintendo has made every sports game there is except hockey, Why is that?
I have a wii and it is a great game system but please make a realistic hockey game say made by ea sports or the guys who made nhl 2k7. I bet it would make alot of money too and more people would want to buy wii's. Maybe i as a hockeyfan get about a million people together and sue nintendo for discriminating against hockey and there fans ....LMAO JK. JUST MAKE A FRICKEN HOCKEY GAME FOR THE NINTENDO FRICKING WII. LOL .GOODNIGHT.
Lol, you should do it. Maybe just maybe you'll acutually prove a point.
I would love to see a Hockey game in WiiSports, it would be extremely fun and I'm not even a diehard fan for hockey but i know i would get addicted to it on the Wii.
There would definitely be a chance to take hockey games to a whole new level on the Wii, if only some serious thought was put into it. And if it just wouldn't be messed up by making it shallow... err, I mean casual. :p
i would rather have a ful hockey game than a wii sports one. hockey would be good for wii. nunchuck to move around, wiimote doubles as a hockey stick and hold a and swing wiimote to do a slapshot. goooooooooaaaallllll!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, the controls are there for the game.
And personally I think it would play better than NBA 08 did, there is so much potential there.

Plus hockey is my favourite sport, so having a Wii version finally would be great.
I still play NHL 06 for Gamecube.
waas just talking about this. no nhl'08? that is fuqing lame. im a diehard fan so i was pretty pist about this. i hereby join the discrimination suit against nintendo
Yes I will be pretty pissed if NHL 09 isnt on wii and it may just prompt me to invest in another system. I detailed controls before in a different thread, anyone who has played NHL on 360 or ps3 knows about the skill stick, the right analog is used to deke and push up to shoot and push back then up to slap shot. well all you have to do is have the wiimote take its place, and just have the player hold down a button in order to deke or shoot, and another to pass if you wanted to do it that way. The nunchuk could aim top and bottom corners just with its analog.

Regardless, I would seriously just love it if they released it for use only with a classic controller if they employed the skill stick. Seriously EA, what's the deal??
I'd like to see how the control scheme in Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 works out on the Wii. A similar style of control system could be a cool way of playing a hockey game, too. It's almost point and click.

However, I can't imagine anyone developing a decent hockey game. Why would EA both to redesign their NHL series especially for the Wii when they can release the same game with minor tweaks year on year for the PC/PS/XBox?

I believe a Kidz Sports Hockey game is coming out soon but it looks utter tripe. I think I'll get myself a GameCube controller and NHL 06 instead...

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