Magic Armour.. Worth Getting?

yeh but in the cave of ordeals you get a lot of money if yoyu dont spend any using thwe magic armour :D i go there wheneva im broke
but zelduke im always broke but i just got the giant wallet today so i dont think i'll be broke as much because the magic armor will last longer so its only good for if you have a big wallet...:thumbsup:
I dont think its worth USING but if you are a hardcore gamer, and you must have EVERYTHING in the game, then you need to get it....this we all know.
i consider Magic Armor to be useful. it saved my nipples when i was facing the 4 darknut in the cave of ordeals.
If you're struggling to come up with the rupees to even pay for the armor, you're going to find very few uses for the armor (because you wouldn't be able to afford using it). Not like you really ever need it, though.

For uses, I've only found two:
1) Making space in my wallet so that I could loot dungeon chests (to clear out the icons from the dungeon map to give you peace of mind that you looted any potential pieces of heart).
2) Cave of Ordeals. It gives you some much needed security when facing off against multiple Darknuts. Doesn't make it easy, but gives you a very comforting edge.

I don't really see it needed anywhere at all in the mainquest (when's the last time you actually died in a fight outside of the cave of ordeals?). I mean you could and might as well use it against Gannondorf since there's no save point beyond the fight (thus irrelevant if you expend all rupees and ammo), but even then it's not at all needed or even necessarily highly recommended.

Oh, as for how expensive the armor really is:
1000 for bridge repairs
2000 OR 200 for shop setup (do springwater quest first to reduce to 200)
598 for the armor
Drains over 1 rupee every second you wear the armor (probably closer to 2 rupees per second)
Drains a further amount of rupees (I can't even give you rough numbers) per hit.
At least money is not by any means in short supply in the game.
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For elemental damage, e.g when Link gets frozen, the magic armour uses about 5 rupees to absorb that cold damage.
armour is not needed i beat the game without it ganon is easy zant is harder even went through cave of ordeals without it not as good as its made out to be
Wow most people think you shouldn't get it, I'm surprised!

Although, the armour inherintly is not super useful, for aesthetic purposes (it has to be the most badass looking armour I've ever seen Link wear) and for your own personal satisfaction as part of game completion, I can't see how you could not get it.

If Rupees are a problem to you (as they initially were for me) don't worry too much, because Hyrule is littered with chests hiding purple(50) and orange(100) Rupees around. Hell, when you start scouring Hyrule for statues to move, justabout every statue is accompanied by an orange Rupee in a chest.

The armour is particularly useful in the Gerudo Mesa... I probably would not have survived if I did not posess it... Even so... I had about sixteen or seventeen hearts, two fairies and some Rare Chu Jelly, and I only escaped with three hearts (all my recovery supplies were depleted).

It's very good when you're under heavy attack. I find Rupees are never difficult to come by, and if saving Link in a tight spot means losing 50 Rupees or so, what does it matter? Besides... What do you actually use Rupees for after you've bought everything/finished donating?

I've got 600 Rupees just sitting there and I'm aching to do something with them... Get the armour :)
I got the armor just so Link would look cooler in the final scenes and credits.

Them'z my priorities.
I got it, haven't used it... Don't see any need to waste up my rupees, BUT I will wear it for final scenes and credits, like Timo. ^^