Lost sound on my wiimote


WiiChat Member
Sep 5, 2007
Wii Online Code
Hi everyone.

Yesterday I was playing Wii Sports - Tennis against my wife.
My wife was first and I second. For a game I lost sound on the wiimote, I turn off my Wii two times, now its seems to working fine but sometimes I hear like the speaker is broken.

I kept playing for 2 more hours and everything was ok.

Any ideas ?
Someone else with the same issue?
I had that issue once, but when I restarted my wii everything was fine and it never happened again.
Well did you get the Wii recenly?
Cus if its new it shouldn't happen really, it might happen for a bit. It happens to me sometimes, but tends to go away.

Unfortunately they are said to break after some time.
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Yes, I bought it like 2 or 3 weeks ago on Best Buy, but right now cant tell if that wiimote was the one with the Wii Console or the second wiimote that I bought at the same time.

Also applied the last available patch for wii.

I hope never happen again..
It should be fine then, maybe you were just playing too much or something.
Don't worry too much, but report back if it does not stop.

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