Warner Bros has today revealed lots of fascinating new facts about The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest, which is due out on the Wii in the UK on October 29th at an RRP of £39.99. The story kicks off in Hobbiton as preparations gather pace for a great party to welcome Aragorn, King of Gondor, and to honour Samwise Gamegee for his service during the War of the Ring. With the King’s visit imminent, Samwise’s children are eager to learn more about the great man, prompting Samwise to embark on a colourful tale about Ranger Strider, aka Aragorn, and his bravest battles.
In the game, players take on the role of Aragorn and as they relive his greatest quests from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Wielding a sword, shield, bow and spear, fans will battle enemies, lead armies and journey through a colourful and fresh version of Middle-earth. Players will even get the chance to switch between spear and sword on horseback as they take down evil foes while still mounted on their trusty steed.
One of the really exciting aspects of the game is the two-player gameplay mode, where the second player gets to play as Gandalf, unleashing his mighty magic attacks on the minions of Sauron, including such familiar enemies as Orcs, Spiders and Ringwraiths. It’s been out in other parts of the world for a few weeks now, so it’ll be great to see it finally on the shelves in Europe at the end of the month.